Posted by Ray Pritchard on 12.15.03 in Churches, Dudley, Personal, Tupelo
11:22 PM Didn’t get around to doing my shopping after all. Got tied up in church affairs almost all day. Maybe tomorrow. 11:21 PM Dennis Byrne exposes the absurdity of the bestselling Da Vinci Code. 10:26 AM Monday greetings to Vita Loredo, Wayne Benfield in Jacksonville, Florida, Bernie Schuck in Indiana, to Paul and Becky…
Posted by Ray Pritchard on 12.12.03 in Churches, Internet/Blogging, Tupelo
10:05 PM Big renovation news I forgot to mention earlier: The permanent surface for the gym was delivered today. Right now it’s stacked in boxes right on the subfloor. The workers should begin installing it next week. 9:39 PM Fun time with the junior highers tonight. The girls were all dressed up and the guys were wearing s…
Posted by Ray Pritchard on 12.5.03 in Tupelo
10:44 PM Several months ago beloved Calvary missionary Miss Eva Lodgaard, who has served the Lord in southeastern Kentucky since 1945, had a fall and has been in poor health. She has been staying at a guest cabin at Camp Nathanael in Emmalena, Kentucky. She sent me the following e-mail: Dear Pastor Ray, It seems like foreve…
Posted by Ray Pritchard on 11.24.03 in Churches, Personal, Preaching, Tupelo
10:44 PM More good news: A few minutes ago I came home from a meeting at church and Marlene told me that Nick and John Mark Edwards decided to drive home from Samford tonight instead of tomorrow afternoon. They left Birmingham about 9 PM so they should arrive in Oak Park by 7 AM. That put a smile on my face. When I called N…
Posted by Ray Pritchard on 11.12.03 in Baseball, Personal, Travel, Tupelo
7:08 PM YWAM offers some wise advice on sharing Christ with Muslims. One fascinating excerpt:We must pray for Muslims to have dreams and visions. Many individuals and some whole villages in certain Islamic countries are receiving supernatural visions or dreams of Jesus that have led to their conversion.I have heard other Ch…
Posted by Ray Pritchard on 10.20.03 in Books, Dudley, Keep Believing Ministries, Personal, Travel, Tupelo, Word of Life
8:54 PM Bruce Thorn called tonight and we talked for 25 minutes. Our friendship goes back almost forty years, to the days when we grew up together in Russellville, Alabama. He and Anna and Elliot live in Sheffield, Alabama. Every time Bruce calls, he shares insights about the Lord that I don’t get anywhere else. We talked a…
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