Posted by Ray Pritchard on 5.8.08 in Tupelo
The weather radar a few minutes agoWe were awakened this morning by an enormous clap of thunder followed by lightning followed by extremely high winds followed by the sound of the warning system blaring in the distance. The tornado that passed through Tupelo around 8 AM came through our subdivision. It blew down a tree in t …
Posted by Ray Pritchard on 5.5.08 in Personal, Second Coming, Travel, Tupelo
Monday Afternoon 1:57 PMIn the basement atMiss Sophie’s inPrague, Czech RepublicI am writing this note from Miss Sophie’s, a combination hostel/hotel in the heart of Prague. After we finished the Josiah Venture conference yesterday, Marlene and I rode the train (about 3 1/2 hours) from Ostrava to Prague. We got …
Posted by Ray Pritchard on 3.8.08 in Tupelo
When we woke up this morning, we saw something we hardly ever see in Tupelo—snow!Gary and Dudley cavorting in the backyard.The view from our front yard.As far as news items go, a couple of inches of snow in Tupelo doesn’t rate very high. But it’s a big deal in northeast Mississippi, notwithstanding the fact tha …
Posted by Ray Pritchard on 2.5.08 in Tupelo
I’m speaking tonight to the Tupelo-area singles meeting at the First Baptist Church of Tupelo. We start with a meal at 6:30 PM followed by the meeting at 7 PM. If you are in the area, please join us this evening.
Posted by Ray Pritchard on 12.23.07 in Devotional, Tupelo
This morning at church one of the pastors made a presentation to an elderly gentleman known affectionately to the entire congregation as “Mr. Sam.” The pastor began by noting the price of gas in 1952 (17 cents/gallon) and the price of a new home ($17,000) and the cost of a stamp (3 cents). He went on to say that Mr. Sam mad …
Posted by Ray Pritchard on 12.11.07 in Chicago, Personal, Tupelo
I’m writing this note to our many friends in Chicago and throughout the Midwest who are suffering through a very difficult weather situation. Stay safe, stay warm, and stay inside. What else can you do?Here in Tupelo the temperature right now is 72 with bright, sunny skies. I think we’re going to cancel school s …
Posted by Ray Pritchard on 8.29.07 in Personal, Tupelo
Last night we had dinner with Mark and Vanessa and Parker, their nine-month-old Maltese they brought with them from California. After the meal Mark pointed out that this was their one-month anniversary. Since getting married on July 28, they have been to Puerto Vallarta for their honeymoon, back to California for a few days …
Posted by Ray Pritchard on 8.16.07 in Personal, Tupelo
It would be just plain wrong of me to let this day go by without noting that this is the 30th anniversary of the death of Elvis Presley. He was born in Tupelo, Mississippi, and lived here until he turned 13 when his family moved to Memphis. Most people who know Elvis think about Graceland, his home in Memphis, which by the …
Posted by Ray Pritchard on 6.30.07 in Personal, Tupelo
Here are a few pictures of our new home in Tupelo plus some pictures from a family get-together today. Andy and Betty and Megan and Kathleen came over from Florence, Alabama for lunch. Alan joined us later. The backyard view shows the house as we bought it. If you look at the picture of Dudley and Gary, you can see the shad …
Posted by Ray Pritchard on 3.17.07 in Dudley, Keep Believing Ministries, Tupelo
Yesterday Skip Olson drove down from Chicago to spend the weekend with us. When I sent him email instructions, they included 41 specific steps, starting with “Take I-57 south until it hits I-55 in Missouri,” which covers six hours of driving, and then “Stop at Lambert’s Café (home of “throwed rolls”) in Si …
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