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Don’t Waste Your One and Only Life

July 26, 2024

I’ve met men and women with all sorts of regrets, but I’ve never met anyone who regretted following Jesus.

No Middle Ground

July 25, 2024

There is no middle ground. Take your stand for Jesus before it is too late.

Happily Ever After

July 20, 2024

No matter how difficult your journey has been, God has promised an eternally happy ending for his children.Be encouraged, child of God. No matter how difficult your journey has been, God has promised an eternally happy ending for his children.

God Writes the Last Chapter

July 17, 2024

Only God sees the big picture while we see life through a keyhole.Do not despair if you feel like you are alone. Trust in God and take the next step.

Risky Business

July 12, 2024

Ruth 3 shows us how God works through our choices to accomplish his will for our lives.Ruth 3 shows us how God works through our choices to accomplish his will for our lives.

When God Comes Through for You

July 8, 2024

It is a great advance spiritually to see God at work all the time, in every situation, no matter whether we are happy or sad.Who's got it better than we do? Nobody!

The Gospel According to Boaz

July 3, 2024

Grace comes to us like the barley came to Ruth. She had all she wanted, with plenty to share.

How Providence Works

June 29, 2024

God has not brought us this far to cause us to fail.The God who took care of Ruth, Naomi and Boaz is our God too. We can trust him.

When Trouble Comes

June 26, 2024

God knows what he is doing even when we don't have a clue.God knows what he is doing even when we don't have a clue.

Lord, Do Something Small!

June 20, 2024

God loves to start small, but what God starts never stays small.

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