Do you have a question you'd like an answer for? Email us at
Does God Still Speak Today?
AnswerWhat is Spiritual Warfare?
AnswerAre Inter-Faith Services Appropriate for Christians?
AnswerDoes the Bible Prohibit Interracial Dating?
AnswerWhat Was Lacking in Christ’s Suffering?
AnswerWhat Happens to Christians Who Commit Suicide?
AnswerWhat Do I Do When My Pastor Strays from the Truth?
AnswerHow come Jesus never blessed his enemies while he was alive?
AnswerIs it okay to say that I’m a sinner, saved by grace?
AnswerWhere are the 3 days between Jesus’s death and resurrection?
AnswerCan you give me a reason we Christians need to practice and celebrate Christmas?
AnswerHow do I know that I’m of the Elect?
AnswerWhen is the Gog and Magog battle going to happen?
AnswerDo you believe that Jesus Chist has supernaturally revealed Himself to some unbelievers who have no way of hearing the Gospel?
AnswerDid animals also come from dust when created by God?