Posted by Ray Pritchard on 9.29.09 in Personal, Tupelo
When I arrived home from my trip to Canada, Marlene said, “I’ve got something for you.” It turned out to be a very nice birthday present that she gave me last night since I celebrated my birthday on Saturday. She found a birthday card with a picture of Indiana Jones on the front that read, “When they ask how old you are, tak…
Posted by Ray Pritchard on 6.20.09 in Tupelo
Tomorrow I am speaking at the First Baptist Church of Tupelo in both the morning and evening services. Service times are 8:30 and 11 AM and 6 PM. The church meets at 300 N. Church Street in downtown Tupelo. I spoke there a number of times in 2006 and 2007, and I’ve been speaking lately at the Wednesday prayer service. We have many friends at …
Posted by Ray Pritchard on 1.10.09 in Interviews, Tupelo
Starting next Tuesday (January 13), I’m going to be on the air live on American Family Radio. For over a year I’ve been taking part in a monthly program on AFR called “Fire Away” where we discuss various hot topics and invite calls from listeners across America. AFR has just launched a brand-new format on 126 stations called…
Posted by Ray Pritchard on 1.9.09 in Personal, Tupelo
This week we’ve been doing some major housecleaning that started when we decided it was time to get things organized. In our particular situation, there is really no demarcation between our home and the ministry because, as I like to tell people, the “world headquarters” of Keep Believing Ministries is in my office at home and in …
Posted by Ray Pritchard on 12.28.08 in Churches, Personal, Tupelo
This morning Marlene and I joined Harrisburg Baptist Church in Tupelo. To say that we waited a long time would be true, given that we moved to Tupelo in October 2005 and started attending Harrisburg more or less on a regular basis sometime in 2006. In the last three years we have seen the other side of church life—the view from the pew, …
Posted by Ray Pritchard on 8.31.08 in Current Events, Tupelo
For the last 36 hours, all eyes have been focused on the Gulf of Mexico as Hurricane Gustav slowly makes it way toward the northern gulf coast, probably making landfall just west of New Orleans sometime tomorrow. Three years ago Hurricane Katrina devastated southern Louisiana and the Mississippi coast. With rebuilding far from complete, another mas…
Posted by Ray Pritchard on 6.7.08 in Tupelo
Tomorrow I’m speaking three times at two different churches in Tupelo. I’m speaking at the Church at Trace Crossing at 10:30 AM and at Harrisburg Baptist Church at 5 & 6 PM.
Posted by Ray Pritchard on 6.2.08 in Civil War, Personal, Tupelo
This morning we are going to visit Shiloh Military Battlefield, about an hour and a half north of Tupelo. We’re making the trip because Maria and Kevin (Vanessa’s mother and step-father) are visiting from California. They arrived last Tuesday after driving five days across the country. Maria came to Tupelo in Ma …
Posted by Ray Pritchard on 5.29.08 in Tupelo
I will be preaching in Tupelo the next two Sundays:June 1 Harrisburg Baptist Church, 6 PM (Awaken Service)June 8 Church at Trace Crossing, 10:30 AM Harrisburg Baptist Church, 6 PM (Awaken Service)If you are in the area, I hope you’ll join us for one of these services.
Posted by Ray Pritchard on 5.10.08 in Personal, Tupelo
It’s been a strange week here in Tupelo. On Thursday a tornado blew through the area, damaging homes and buildings and downing tree but with no serious injuries. I think it’s left us all a bit jumpy. Earlier today our neighbor called to say that we ought to check our attic. When they checked theirs, they saw lig …
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