Posted by Ray Pritchard on 4.7.04 in Theology
8:48 AM Here’s a letter from “Dena” who writes from a women’s prison in California: Dear Ray, I want to than you for your ministry and the book “An Anchor for the Soul.” I am currently incarcerated in prison and I saw the book on the shelf–from the minute I touched this book, I have to say, my life has changed…
Posted by Ray Pritchard on 4.5.04 in Current Events, Theology
8:29 PM An e-mail arrived with a question many people have wondered about: “If you believe that Jesus is your Lord and you kill yourself, will you still go to heaven?” Here is my answer: We are saved by what Jesus did for us in his life, death and resurrection. He paid the full price and opened the door to heaven to all…
Posted by Ray Pritchard on 4.1.04 in Churches, Pastors, Theology
10:38 PM Kim Jahns sent an e-mail from missionaries in the Middle East with further insight into the impact of “The Passion of the Christ” in Muslim countries. In just a few short days, more Arab Muslims have been able to clearly hear (and see) the Gospel in their own language than we would be able to reach in a lifetim…
Posted by Ray Pritchard on 3.29.04 in Theology
9:56 PM My buddy Roy Hodson in Emmalena, Kentucky asked for a personal favor: I need your help to play a joke on a couple of our son, Caleb’s, friends. He was in a Christian bookstore over the weekend and came across a couple of your books. He mentioned that you and I were friends and he knew you. Well, they didn’t believe …
Posted by Ray Pritchard on 3.9.04 in Churches, Theology
9:51 PM Jeff Eaton weighs with a rebuttal of sorts to my essay on barbecue. He makes a strong case that the best barbecue in America comes from Kentucky. Heres part of what he wrote: I was surfing your blog this morning, and was shocked to see a discussion about barbecue that did not pay homage to my hometown, Owensb…
Posted by Ray Pritchard on 3.7.04 in Churches, Congregational Singing, Theology
9:23 AM Finished my final bike ride before our trip. Marlene is packed already—naturally I’ve not really started yet. We leave for the airport in a little over an hour. We’re flying ATA to St. Petersburg where someone from Word of Life will pick us up and drive us to the conference center in Hudson—about an hour…
Posted by Ray Pritchard on 3.6.04 in Churches, Personal, Theology
11:31 PM Just about ready to go to Florida. 11:29 PM Last Thursday I did several tapings for WMBI—five “Soul Food” devotionals that will run later this month, an endorsement for the crisis pregnancy centers of Chicago, and an interview about how the gay marriage issue impacts the church. The interview will air Mon…
Posted by Ray Pritchard on 3.2.04 in Theology
5:11 PM Bob Weller explains the personal impact of “The Passion of the Christ”: It is still and always will be truly amazing to me that our God would devise such a plan simply because He loves us and wants to return us to a place were we can commune with God and be showered by His Love. I would recommend everyone see th…
Posted by Ray Pritchard on 2.26.04 in Churches, Current Events, Homosexuality, Theology
9:50 PM Okay, I’ve got my answer to the question Seth raised below. This just in from Pastor Bob Boerman in Costa Rica:Hey Ray, The guys and I are having a terrific time in Costa Rica. A great Band of Brothers time. Much laughter. Much prayer. Much growing with Christ and each other. It´s Thursday night and the work is don…
Posted by Ray Pritchard on 11.8.03 in Theology
11:39 AM We are beginning the search to fill a new fulltime staff position—Pastor of Outreach Ministries. For more information, scroll down the page to Wednesday, November 5. It’s the second entry from the top for that day. 11:19 AM A fine crowd showed up for the prayer breakfast that kicked off our World Focus Weeken…
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