Monday, March 29, 2004
March 29, 2004
9:56 PM My buddy Roy Hodson in Emmalena, Kentucky asked for a personal favor:
I need your help to play a joke on a couple of our son, Caleb’s, friends. He was in a Christian bookstore over the weekend and came across a couple of your books. He mentioned that you and I were friends and he knew you. Well, they didn’t believe him, no matter what he told them. Caleb and I thought it’d be a great trick if you would have time to send each of them a brief email confirming that in fact you are my friend etc adding whatever you’d like. I realize you have lots to do but this would really get them both. Here are the names: Gabby (This is Caleb’s girlfriend) Becky & Dan (These are good friends of Caleb’s)
Happy to oblige. After all, I really did write those books. 9:49 PM A handful of news and notes and personal items: Marlene gave me a DVD of the movie Seabiscuit for Christmas. I never got around to watching it until tonight—and then only because she talked me into it. Wow! What a movie. One of the most enjoyable and inspiring movies I’ve seen in years. The big race with War Admiral made me want to stand up and cheer … Kudos to Kevin McCullough for helping organize and promote a huge rally for traditional marriage on the steps of City Hall in New York City today. Over 300 pastors turned out—along with thousands of New Yorkers. Incidentally, the rally took place just a few blocks from Ground Zero … Went for a bike ride today—a 23-mile jaunt that took me north of the Kennedy Expressway into Norwood, to Devon Avenue and to the North Branch Trail. Almost perfect weather. I’ve ridden 664 miles YTD. This afternoon I took my bike in to Dan’s Bike Shop in Berwyn for a spring cleaning. Nick, my bike guy, looked at the rusty chain, smiled and just shook his head. So we’re replacing the chain after just four months. 12:37 PM On Saturday I mentioned that we had Grand Slam Pizza for the first time in ten years. Mark Goeke adds this comment:
I read on your weblog that you, Marlene and your guys tried Grand Slam Pizza. That place has been there for a long time, and since I grew up on the 1100 block of north Woodbine (since 1971), we (my 3 brothers and I) ate their pizza regularly. I have to say it’s my favorite thin crust pizza – alot of vitamin G (Grease). Just thought I’d write to say “good find”. Mark
I like that part about Vitamin G. That’s a sign of truly good pizza.