Wednesday, April 7, 2004
April 7, 2004
8:48 AM Here’s a letter from “Dena” who writes from a women’s prison in California: Dear Ray, I want to than you for your ministry and the book “An Anchor for the Soul.” I am currently incarcerated in prison and I saw the book on the shelf–from the minute I touched this book, I have to say, my life has changed. Ive been a born-again Christian all my life, yet have strayed for years struggling with addictions, homosexuality, all the sins of the flesh and now I find myself longing and thirsting for the redeeming grace of my Savior. This book is the beginning of a new life for me. I cant tell you enough how much this book touched my soul and answered and quelled all my fears & doubts and most importantly the touch of the Spirit was upon me. I truly know I have loved and I am forgiven. Praise God! Keep me close in your prayers. Ill see you when we all go home. With love and blessings, Dena 8:04 AM Two new sermon series just posted on the website: Key Words of the Christian Life Four sermons on Redemption, Reconciliation, Propitiation and Justification. Miscellaneous Messages, a collection of sermons from various years, including “Caiaphas,” “Calvary in the Park,” “Ten Things I’ve Learned About Preaching,” and a Palm Sunday sermon called “Appointment in Jerusalem.” There are currently six sermons in this collection, but others will be added soon. 7:55 AM Last night I heard the orchestra practicing for the two Good Friday services. Joining them will be the Festival Choir as they present “The Seven Last Words of Christ” at 6 & 8 PM. Childcare will be provided. 7:55 AM Getting ready for the Pastor’s Bible Class tonight—an interactive tour of first-century Jerusalem. 7:50 AM The Media Research Center examined how television covers religion. Here’s a good summary of what they discovered. They found that while there is more religious coverage than ten years ago, it tends to be more secular and political in tone, and generally hostile to orthodox believers.