Saturday, March 6, 2004
March 6, 2004
11:31 PM Just about ready to go to Florida. 11:29 PM Last Thursday I did several tapings for WMBI—five “Soul Food” devotionals that will run later this month, an endorsement for the crisis pregnancy centers of Chicago, and an interview about how the gay marriage issue impacts the church. The interview will air Monday at 6:12 AM. 12:33 PM If you are looking for a book that will help you think through the events of Good Friday, you might find my book In the Shadow of the Cross helpful. Each chapter in the first half of the book discusses one of the seven sayings of Christ on the cross. In the second half I consider the implications of the cross for God, Jesus, Satan, the church, the world, the believer, and what the cross means in heaven. In light of the role of Satan in Mel Gibson’s movie, you might enjoy reading Chapter 10, “One Little Word Shall Fell Him: What the Cross Meant to Satan.” Writing this book became a deeply spiritual experience for me. I hope those who read it come away with a new appreciation of what our Lord accomplished when he died on the cross. 10:47 AM We have just posted four new sermons on the website. The series is called Faces Around the Cross. I first preached these messages in 1991. There are four sermons on Peter, Judas, Thomas, and Pontius Pilate. You may want to check out A Man Called Pilate. Hat tip to Kathy Duggins for posting these sermons yesterday.