Posted by Ray Pritchard on 9.9.15 in Churches, Current Events, Homosexuality
Recently we printed a booklet called When the Foundations are Destroyed. This short message encourages Christians to have tenacious, winsome […]
Posted by Ray Pritchard on 6.27.15 in Current Events, Homosexuality
The Supreme Court isn’t. There is a court higher than the court that sits in Washington. That court is never […]
Posted by Ray Pritchard on 5.12.15 in Homosexuality, Marriage and the Family, Prayer
Not long ago a distraught mother contacted me about her adult son who is divorcing his wife and has announced […]
Posted by Ray Pritchard on 6.17.14 in Christian News, Current Events, Homosexuality
A few years ago I would have thought that most evangelicals would stay true to the biblical teaching about marriage. Today I will hedge my bets on that issue. The evangelical movement is about to divide. You can’t straddle the fence forever.
Posted by Ray Pritchard on 6.27.13 in Church Trends, Current Events, Homosexuality, Marriage and the Family
Write out what you believe about marriage and put it in your church constitution.
Posted by Ray Pritchard on 4.25.12 in Current Events, Homosexuality
Recently Dallas megachurch pastor T. D. Jakes was asked by Oprah Winfrey to give his stance on homosexuality. Given Oprah’s huge audience and vast popularity in our culture, it would be easy to evade that question by trying to change the subject. Here is what Jakes said:"I’m not called to give my opinion. I’m called as a pas…
Posted by Ray Pritchard on 11.14.08 in Current Events, Homosexuality, Theology
Last Sunday a group of radical gay activists disrupted a church service in Lansing, Michigan. One group of protesters demonstrated outside the church while another group actually disrupted the worship service, shouting, throwing fliers, and even pulling the fire alarm so the sanctuary would be evacuated.In California gay-rights activists have picke…
Posted by Ray Pritchard on 5.14.08 in Church Trends, Homosexuality
This week’s Monday Morning Insight contained an article with the intriguing title Should An Openly Homosexual Person be Baptized? The article is worth reading mostly for the comments that follow it. The article itself is based on a blog entry by Pennsylvania pastor Brian Jones.Here is my take on the subject . . .1. Th …
Posted by Ray Pritchard on 12.19.06 in Churches, Current Events, Homosexuality, Theology
Until last week I had never paid any attention to Jay Bakker, the son of Jim Bakker and Tammy Faye Messner. Then someone sent me a link to a CNN article called What the Hell Happened to Christianity? It turns out that Jay is the pastor/founder of a church called the Revolution, with branches in Atlanta, New York and Charlot …
Posted by Ray Pritchard on 10.7.06 in Churches, Current Events, Homosexuality, Theology
Mark Driscoll explains why the mainline denominations are in such a mess. He then offers these ten steps to destroying a denomination:1) Have a low view of Scripture and, consequently, the deity of Jesus. 2) Deny that we were made male and female by God, equal but with distinct roles in the home and church. 3) Ordain libera …
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