
Back to Basics
by Ray Pritchard

Let us instead be encouraged by the opportunities of this hour. Our task to is to go “Back to Basics” so we will truly know what we believe.

Text: Jude 20
Sermon Series: The Apostles’ Creed

Renewing Your Passion
by Ray Pritchard

Today we are beginning a summer series from the little book of II Timothy. People sometimes wonder how pastors choose […]

Text: II Timothy 1
Sermon Series: Passing the Torch (II Timothy)

Love One Another
by Brian Bill

What would relationships in our church look like if we truly loved each other? Since God loves us unconditionally, we can and must love each other, including those affected by abortion.

Text: 1 John 4:7-12
Sermon Series: Body Building

City Life: Serving God in a Pagan World
by Ray Pritchard

“Without God, the more power we have the sooner we destroy ourselves; without God, the richer we are the sooner […]

Text: Genesis 4:17-26
Sermon Series: First Things: The Amazing True Story of How the World Came to Be (Genesis 1-11)

Image is Everything: Highly Valued, Deeply Fallen, Greatly Loved
by Ray Pritchard

Upon reading these verses, the thought comes to mind that we’re not in Eden anymore. Whatever else you can say […]

Text: Genesis 1:26-28
Sermon Series: First Things: The Amazing True Story of How the World Came to Be (Genesis 1-11)

“In the Beginning”: The Most Important Verse in the Bible
by Ray Pritchard

True faith must begin with the very first verse of the Bible. If you can believe Genesis 1:1, you won’t have any problems with the rest of the Bible. Truth begins with God. That’s why the Bible begins with this verse.

Text: Genesis 1:1
Sermon Series: First Things: The Amazing True Story of How the World Came to Be (Genesis 1-11)

Showdown in Jerusalem: The Rise & Fall of the Antichrist
by Ray Pritchard

Someday soon the world will witness the rise of a charismatic leader the Bible calls the Antichrist. Millions will be deceived into following him. He will be suddenly destroyed when Jesus Christ returns to the earth.

Text: Matthew 24:15-28
Sermon Series: The Last Days According to Jesus

A Tale of Two Women: Are You a Child of Promise?
by Ray Pritchard

Almost all the commentators agree that this is the hardest passage in the book of Galatians. It’s not easy to […]

Text: Galatians 4:21-31
Sermon Series: Galatians: Truth on Fire

The Value of One
by Brian Bill

On this Sanctity of Human Life Sunday, we need to be reminded of the tremendous value that Jesus places on both children and adults. Jesus not only serves as our example, He also gives us a mandate to treat everyone with the same dignity and worth that He does. The preborn matter to God – and so do you! As we care for those who are less fortunate, God will give us opportunities to rescue the perishing, we will impact our culture, and we will point people to the Savior.

Text: John 10:14-30
Sermon Series: A New You for a New Year

The Right Man For The Job
by Ray Pritchard

(This sermon was given by Bob Boerman, Pastor of Family Ministries.) It was Aesop in 550 BC, who said, “We […]

Text: Psalm 2:10-12
Sermon Series: Election Day Special Sermon
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