I’d like to begin my message with a word we don’t often use. Though it has been around for many […]
Text: Jude 1-25“Affiliation with the enemies of the Cross spells a lie to all claims to believe the truth.” Robert Lightner This […]
Text: 2 John“When Jesus came to the region of Caesarea Philippi, he asked his disciples, ’Who do people say the Son of […]
Text: Matthew 16:13-18The scene: A young boy and his mother are having a serious discussion over lunch one day. “Where is God?” […]
Text: Psalm 139:7-12I begin with a very simple observation: It is possible to know God and yet be far away from him. […]
Text: Luke 15:11-32The whole question of the Spirit-filled life resolves itself into this: Are you keeping in contact with the Holy Spirit? Your job—your only real job as a Christian—is to stay in contact with the Spirit.
Text: Romans 8:5-17We begin with the words of Robert Cook: “There is no substitute for character. You can buy brains, but you […]
Text: I Timothy 3; Titus 1You can do “all things” if you rely on Jesus Christ. Not on your own strength, not on your own power, not on your own wisdom, and not on your own ability to figure things out. But if you will say, “Lord Jesus, this year I’m relying on you,” you can do all things through Christ.
Text: Philippians 4:13A number of years ago a major American magazine published the results of a most fascinating survey. The editors had […]
Text: Romans 5:1-5I find myself in a peculiar position this morning. No matter what I say, or how carefully I say it, […]
Text: Genesis 1-3