We begin the final message in this series with the text of the Tenth Commandment: “You shall not covet your […]
Text: Exodus 20:17When I was growing up my mother had a little rhyme she often repeated to her four sons. You probably […]
Text: Exodus 20:16Although it is not a matter of any particular importance, this is not the first time I have preached on […]
Text: Exodus 20:15This is easily the most difficult sermon to preach in this series. It is also the hardest Commandment to deal […]
Text: Exodus 20:14They had only been married 11 days when she had him killed. It all started when Louie Weber met Eva […]
Text: Exodus 20:13We have two problems with this Commandment, and perhaps a third: 1. Many of us have negative memories associated with […]
Text: Exodus 20:12Let’s begin with three observations on the Fourth Commandment: 1. This is the longest of the Ten Commandments. 2. It […]
Text: Exodus 20:8-11Every Commandment has its problems. Some are difficult to understand, others are difficult to interpret, and some are difficult to […]
Text: Exodus 20:7“Idols? You must be kidding.” “That’s what they have in Africa, right?” “Me? An idol-worshiper? What do you take me […]
Text: Exodus 20:4-6We live in strange times, don’t we? A recent Gallup Poll revealed that 84% of Americans believe that the Ten […]
Text: Exodus 20:3