
Paid in Full
by Ray Pritchard

Here is the gospel truth. Jesus died. God is satisfied. When Jesus said, “It is finished,” he meant it. Will you believe it?

Text: John 19:30
Sermon Series: What a Christian Believes

Taking God Seriously
by Ray Pritchard

When you pray, “Hallowed be your name,” you are both the voice and the feet of that petition. As the very words leave your lips, your life is part of the answer.

Text: Matthew 6:9
Sermon Series: And When You Pray: The Deeper Meaning of The Lord’s Prayer

Who is the Real Enemy?
by Ray Pritchard

Christianity is not a religion for sissies or for those who want an easy road. If you are looking for an escape from your problems, Jesus is not for you. Christianity is for strong men and women who will not flee from the struggle.

Text: Ephesians 6:12
Sermon Series: Soul Food: Ephesians for the 21st-Century

Taking Life Seriously
by Brian Bill

God knows us even before He forms us in the womb and as a result has plans and purposes for us

Text: Jeremiah 1:5
Sermon Series: Profiting From the Prophets

Choose Life!
by Ray Pritchard

Whoever occupies the Oval Office for the next four years will make decisions that will guide our nation far into the future. Which way will we go? How should we make up our minds? This sermon argues that we should “choose life” by taking our Christian convictions with us into the voting booth.

Text: Deuteronomy 30:19-20
Sermon Series: Election Day Special Sermon

The Final Difference Between the Church and the World
by Ray Pritchard

At the Red Sea, the Hebrews were delivered while the Egyptians were destroyed. From this we learn that the church and the world have two different destinations. This is the final difference between them.

Text: Hebrews 11:29
Sermon Series: Outrageous Faith

Shall We Kill Our Children Today?
by Ray Pritchard

The amazing faith of Moses’ parents shows us the high value that God puts on children, including those children that are born in less than ideal circumstances. Christians love children because God loves children. Ours is true pro-family religion.

Text: Hebrews 11:23
Sermon Series: Outrageous Faith

The Hardest Prayer You Will Ever Pray
by Ray Pritchard

Some prayers are harder to pray than others. I learned that thirty-three years ago when my father died. One October […]

Text: Matthew 6:10
Sermon Series: Knowing God's Will

Create in Me a Clean Heart: A Serious Call to Sexual Purity
by Ray Pritchard

Many Christians struggle with purity and feel guilty because they have failed again and again. If we want a clean heart, we must ask God for one.

Sermon Series: Standalone Messages

How to Kill a New Christian – Part 2
by Ray Pritchard

Christians have always disagreed – a lot! And it’s not a bad thing. But there is always a danger that our own personal preferences will grow so important that we no longer accept our brothers and sisters in the Lord who disagree with us. The great unifying factor for the people of God is the Lord Jesus Christ. He has broken down the wall that separated us from God and from one another. In Him we are joined together in the body of Christ. If we truly believe in Him, we can let Him deal with those who disagree with us. In the meantime, don’t forget to treat those who disagree as brothers and sisters in the Lord.

Text: Romans 14:1-12
Sermon Series: The Transformed Life (Romans 12-16)

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