Listed below are hymns, gospel songs and choruses that correspond to the various parts of the Lord’s Prayer. I have found it helpful to sing my way through the Lord’s Prayer using these songs to focus my thoughts.
Text: Matthew 6:9-13The Lord’s Prayer answers the question, “What does Christian prayer look like?” Truly Christian prayer starts with God, moves to our human needs, and rises to God again.
Text: Matthew 6:9-13When we pray, we are to begin by asking that God’s name be hallowed and we are to end by praising God for his sovereign rule over the affairs of men. Thus the Lord’s Prayer begins with God and ends with God.
Text: Matthew 6:13This petition reminds us of how weak we really are. We are sitting ducks for the flaming darts of the devil. Unless the Lord helps us, we will not only face temptation, we will succumb to it every single time.
Text: Matthew 6:13“And lead us not into temptation.” Matthew 6:13a Before we begin: What is the difference between temptation and testing? How […]
Text: Matthew 6:13When we pray, “Forgive us our debts as we also have forgiven our debtors,” we are asking God to forgive our sins according to the same standard we have used in forgiving the sins of others. When you pray this prayer you are really saying, “O God, deal with me as I deal with other people.”
Text: Matthew 6:12When you pray, “Give us this day our daily bread,” you confess that God is the sources of every blessing. Daily bread living means taking life one day at a time, being confident that God will take care of your needs day by day by day.
Text: Matthew 6:11Praying “Your will be done” is an act of God-ordained rebellion. This is not a prayer for the weak or the timid. This is a prayer for troublemakers and rabblerousers.
Text: Matthew 6:10“Your kingdom come” is not a passive prayer. If you ever decide to make the kingdom of God the first priority in your life, you may not become a missionary, but you will become fundamentally different from the world around you.
Text: Matthew 6:10When you pray, “Hallowed be your name,” you are both the voice and the feet of that petition. As the very words leave your lips, your life is part of the answer.
Text: Matthew 6:9