On this Sanctity of Human Life Sunday, we need to be reminded of the tremendous value that Jesus places on both children and adults. Jesus not only serves as our example, He also gives us a mandate to treat everyone with the same dignity and worth that He does. The preborn matter to God – and so do you! As we care for those who are less fortunate, God will give us opportunities to rescue the perishing, we will impact our culture, and we will point people to the Savior.
Text: John 10:14-30When faced with the uncertainty of the future, Jabez next asks God to put His hand upon him. Once God blesses him, and helps him break out of his predictable routines, he desires to rely on God’s guidance. His last request is for God to keep him from evil. Instead of just praying for strength, He boldly asks the Almighty to steer him away from those things that will trip him up spiritually. This verse concludes by saying that “God granted his request.” God will answer this prayer in your own life as well – pray it on a regular basis and watch God work!
Text: 1 Chronicles 4:10bA 200-year-old church was getting ready for its anniversary celebration when calamity struck: the bell ringer was called out of […]
Text: 1 Chronicles 4:9-10a