
The King Has Come!
by Ray Pritchard

We begin with the words of Flannery O’Connor: “The truth does not change according to our ability to stomach it.” […]

Text: Matthew 2:1-6
Sermon Series: The Last Days According to Jesus

We Shall Be Like Him: The Purifying Hope of Christ’s Return
by Ray Pritchard

Better days are coming, child of God. Let this thought encourage you in your long journey home. God has determined to make you like Jesus. Because you are his child, you will one day be like his Son. That family resemblance, which is today so faint as to sometimes be almost invisible, will in that happy day be so clear that no one in the universe could miss it.

Text: I John 3:1-3
Sermon Series: The Last Days According to Jesus

Sheep on the Right, Goats on the Left: The Final Separation of the Saved and the Lost
by Ray Pritchard

Jesus forgets what we remember. And he remembers what we forget. You can find the whole gospel in those two sentences.

Text: Matthew 25:31-46
Sermon Series: The Last Days According to Jesus

Life on the Edge: Make the Most of Every Moment
by Ray Pritchard

The time is short, the world is passing away, the end of all things is at hand. Who knows if this is the day when Jesus will return? Now is the time, this is the hour, and God is calling you. What will you do?

Text: Matthew 25:14-30
Sermon Series: The Last Days According to Jesus

Ten Sleepy Virgins: Are You Ready for Christ’s Return?
by Ray Pritchard

No one can “borrow” another person’s faith. One day you will stand before the Lord and he will say, “Why should I let you into my heaven?” What answer will you give?

Text: Matthew 25:1-13
Sermon Series: The Last Days According to Jesus

Does Anybody Really Know What Time It Is? Why Christ May Come at Any Moment
by Ray Pritchard

Whenever I speak on Bible prophecy, one question always comes up sooner or later: When is Jesus coming back? No […]

Text: Matthew 24:36-51
Sermon Series: The Last Days According to Jesus

Sound the Trumpet! Christ’s Second Coming to the Earth
by Ray Pritchard

Christians have always believed that one day Christ will return to the earth. It is the climax of our creeds and the final proof of the sovereignty of God over human history.

Text: Matthew 24:29-35
Sermon Series: The Last Days According to Jesus

Showdown in Jerusalem: The Rise & Fall of the Antichrist
by Ray Pritchard

Someday soon the world will witness the rise of a charismatic leader the Bible calls the Antichrist. Millions will be deceived into following him. He will be suddenly destroyed when Jesus Christ returns to the earth.

Text: Matthew 24:15-28
Sermon Series: The Last Days According to Jesus

Countdown to Armageddon: Six Signs of the Second Coming
by Ray Pritchard

Many people wonder if we are living in the Last Days. In this message from Matthew 24, Ray Pritchard discusses six signs of the Second Coming of Christ.

Text: Matthew 24:1-14
Sermon Series: The Last Days According to Jesus