
Going with the Gospel
by Brian Bill

Gather to grow and scatter to sow.

Text: Acts 8:1-8
Sermon Series: On Mission

You Are Forgiven: God’s Answer to the Problem of Guilt
by Ray Pritchard

We’re going to heaven because we have a sit-down salvation, bought and paid for by the Son of God.

Sermon Series: Big Promises

Explaining the Gospel
by Brian Bill

The ground of the gospel is cultivated in the Old Testament.

Text: Acts 7:1-60
Sermon Series: On Mission

Expect Opposiiton
by Brian Bill

Don’t be surprised when people push back.

Text: Acts 6:8-15
Sermon Series: On Mission

The Unstoppable Church
by Brian Bill

God uses people and problems to accomplish His purposes.

Text: Acts 5:33-42

Persevering Through Persecution
by Brian Bill

It’s always better to obey God.

Text: Acts 5:17-32
Sermon Series: On Mission

In Our Place
by Brian Bill

Because of grace, Jesus was born to die in our place.

Text: Isaiah 53:4-6
Sermon Series: Down to Earth: Christmas According to Isaiah

The Gospel According to Boaz
by Ray Pritchard

There’s good news from the harvest field. Tell the hungry to come and eat because God never runs out of grace.

Text: Ruth 2:4-18
Sermon Series: Unexpected Grace (Ruth)

The Sermon that Launched the Church
by Brian Bill

Preaching must be persuasive and practical.

Text: Acts 2:14-41
Sermon Series: On Mission

Does Prayer Change God’s Mind?
by Brian Bill

If our questions aren’t addressed, it’s easy to become confused.  Listen to how children answered some questions about the Bible:  The first […]

Sermon Series: Glad You Asked

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