
Cheerfully Defend Your Faith
by Brian Bill

I was intrigued about how much a 3-cent stamp from 1957…it is worth 3 cents today. Paul had been “stamped” […]

Text: Acts 24:1-21
Sermon Series: On Mission

Your Testimony is Powerful
by Brian Bill

Give God glory by telling the story of God’s grace in your life.

Text: Acts 22:1-29
Sermon Series: On Mission

Expect Persecution
by Brian Bill

God accomplishes His purposes through persecution.  

Text: Acts 21:27-40
Sermon Series: On Mission

Do Hard Things
by Brian Bill

If you want to know God’s will, do the will of God you already know.

Text: Acts 21:1-26
Sermon Series: On Mission

The Word on the Womb
by Brian Bill

Since everyone is made in the image of God, everyone is important to God

Text: Genesis 1:1, 26-27
Sermon Series: On Mission

Finishing Well
by Brian Bill

Goodbyes are no fun, are they?  We just returned from a few days with our two daughters and their families […]

Text: Acts 20:17-38
Sermon Series: On Mission

Counting the Cost
by Brian Bill

This week I was working on this message at a McDonald’s when I met a man who told me to […]

Text: Acts 19:21-41
Sermon Series: On Mission

Doctrine Matters
by Brian Bill

How many of you dreaded pop quizzes in school?  This week, I learned this is an actual phobia for some […]

Text: Acts 19:1-20
Sermon Series: On Mission

Discipleship is a Process
by Brian Bill

Caleb Greggsen pastors an English-speaking church in Central Asia.  Recently, he wrote an intriguing article called Friendship: The Foundation of […]

Sermon Series: On Mission

Building Bridges Not Barriers
by Brian Bill

[I’m grateful to Ray Pritchard for this idea].  Imagine you are a missionary arriving in the capital city of a […]

Text: Acts 17:16-34
Sermon Series: On Mission
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