Posted by Ray Pritchard on 12.3.12 in Blogroll
From October 25th to November 13th Keep Believing Ministries had staff and supporters ministering in China and South Korea. Each day this week you’ll be taken on a journey to apartment churches, city walls, and into the heart of Christianity in Asia. We hope you’ll join us back here each day to read the stories, see the pictures, and re…
Posted by Ray Pritchard on 2.15.06 in Blogroll, Uncategorized
Yesterday Pastor John Piper had prostate cancer surgery. Early reports indicate that the surgery went well, and that he will soon be on the road to what we all hope will be a complete recovery. On the night before the surgery, he wrote an article called Don’t Waste Your Cancer. In it he meditates on ten ways in which …
Posted by Ray Pritchard on 2.14.06 in Blogroll, Uncategorized
9:56 AM Mark has posted some picture of his recent trip to Thailand for the mid-year ELIC conference.9:46 AM Just finished the Da Vinci Code. Weird ending. I was right about one thing. Robert and Sophie definitely don’t accept Christ in the last chapter. The book ends up feeling like a tract for modern-day Gnostic rel …
Posted by Ray Pritchard on 2.12.06 in Bible Study Resources, Blogroll, Preaching, Sermons
This morning we visited the First Baptist Church of Tupelo. The church is at least 150 years old, making it Tupelo’s oldest church. The original building was used as a hospital during the Civil War. As befits an established church, it occupies a prominent location in central Tupelo at the corner of Church and Jefferso …
Posted by Ray Pritchard on 2.11.06 in Blogroll, Uncategorized
Last weekend a young man died in a car accident, leaving his friends heartbroken and confused. I was asked to write to one of those friends to offer whatever encouragement I could. I was glad to do it, and as I did so I thought about how often I have done that. Years ago I struggled with what to say in a situation of sudden …
Posted by Ray Pritchard on 2.8.06 in Blogroll, Uncategorized
This afternoon Marlene and I went to see End of the Spear, the much-discussed movie based on the story of the five missionaries who were murdered by members of the Waodani tribe in 1956. If you are an evangelical, you already know the outline of the story, and you have probably read Through Gates of Splendor by Elisabeth El …
Posted by Ray Pritchard on 2.7.06 in Blogroll, Uncategorized
4:51 PM 189 miles.7:04 AM I doing two radio interviews today that you can hear live over the Internet:11:30-12 Noon CDT: KFUO (St. Louis)
1:20-2 PM CDT: WMCA (New York)
Posted by Ray Pritchard on 1.26.06 in Blogroll, Uncategorized
11:18 AM Dudley just made his (unintentional) radio debut. When the interview started at 10 AM, he was asleep on the couch. About ten minutes into the program, Dudley decided he wanted off the couch so he could outside and take care of business. But Marlene was gone to town and I was on the radio talking about forgiveness. …
Posted by Ray Pritchard on 1.25.06 in Blogroll, Uncategorized
11:47 AM Yes, I’m totally jet-lagged. I think the flight from west to east is harder. Or maybe it’s just than the trip is over. Anyway, my body clock is all messed up right now.11:46 AM We were right. It took almost exactly 26 hours to get from the hotel in Beijing to our cabin in Mississippi.
Posted by Ray Pritchard on 1.24.06 in Blogroll, Uncategorized
2:06 PM Almost time to leave for the airport, but before we do, we want to say thank you to many people: Charlie and Joy Brainer, John Mark and Sue Perdue, Driver Zhang, Sharee, Courtney, Emily and Alexis, and to the whole team at ZDL Books: Rob Tucker, David Wright, Anan, Donna, and a special thanks to Jodi. Thanks also to …
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