
What’s Your Problem with the Resurrection?
by Ray Pritchard

The year: AD 60. The place: The palace of Herod Agrippa II in Caesarea by the Sea. The setting: The […]

Text: Acts 26:8
Sermon Series: Easter Sermons

Mountain-Moving Prayer
by Ray Pritchard

“Have faith in God,” Jesus answered. “I tell you the truth, if anyone says to this mountain, ‘Go, throw yourself […]

Text: Mark 11:22-24
Sermon Series: Adventures in Prayer

A Peek into God’s Calendar
by Ray Pritchard

My text has long been considered the most important passage in the book of Daniel. For 2000 years Christians have […]

Text: Daniel 9:24-27
Sermon Series: Daniel: Courageous Living in Turbulent Times

The King Who Went Crazy
by Ray Pritchard

God deals with Nebuchadnezzar’s pride. Application: The moment you start taking credit for anything, you’re just daring God to come and smack you around. God won’t share his glory with anyone and he won’t sit idly by while we attempt to shove him out of the picture. If we choose not to listen to God, he turns up the volume until he has our undivided attention.

Text: Daniel 4
Sermon Series: Daniel: Courageous Living in Turbulent Times

The First Christmas Miracle
by Ray Pritchard

“If I had not come” (John 15:22). “But when the time had fully come, God sent his Son, born of […]

Text: John 15:22; Galatians 4:4

A Place to Belong
by Ray Pritchard

What happened in Acts 2 is not unique. It is possible whenever the church is the body of Christ and not simply an institution.

Text: Acts 2:41-47
Sermon Series: A Place to Belong

The Scripture Had to Be Fulfilled: Can We Still Believe the Bible?
by Ray Pritchard

It is sometimes asked why the early church grew so explosively. We know, for instance, that after Jesus ascended into […]

Text: Acts 1:15, 20
Sermon Series: The Adventure Begins (Acts 1)

Many Infallible Proofs: How We Know Christ Lives Today
by Ray Pritchard

“Without the bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ the Christian faith would have been stillborn, for a living faith cannot survive […]

Text: Acts. 1:3
Sermon Series: The Adventure Begins (Acts 1)

When is Jesus Coming Back?
by Ray Pritchard

“He may come at any time. He’s sure to come some time. Let’s be ready when he does come.” Andrew […]

Text: Matthew 24:32-51
Sermon Series: Sermons I Always Wanted To Hear

Acts of the Apostates
by Ray Pritchard

I’d like to begin my message with a word we don’t often use. Though it has been around for many […]

Text: Jude 1-25
Sermon Series: New Testament Postcards

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