
Sola Scriptura: The Bible and Only the Bible
by Ray Pritchard

“Your word, O Lord, is eternal; it stands firm in the heavens.” Psalm 119:89 “You have exalted above all things […]

Text: 2 Timothy 3:16
Sermon Series: The Four ‘Solas’

Ministry That Makes a Difference
by Ray Pritchard

We are called to be a kingdom of people living in a foreign land, representing the King himself in a world that thought it best to crucify him. In his long absence we are called to stand in his place, taking care of his interests, spreading his Word, and inviting others to join his cause. This is a high and noble calling: Let us live so that no one will be surprised to discover who it is we represent.

Text: 1 Thessalonians 2:7-12
Sermon Series: Living in the Last Days (1 Thessalonians)

God’s Good vs. God’s Best
by Ray Pritchard

God will be no one’s debtor. You’ll never regret anything you give up for Jesus. Not in this life or in the life to come. But the saddest people in the all the world are those who cling stubbornly to what they have because they dare not give it up for God.

Text: Genesis 21:1-21
Sermon Series: Adventures with Abraham (Genesis 12-25)

When God Comes to Dinner
by Ray Pritchard

What do you believe deep in your heart? Is there anything to hard for the Lord? Anything in your life so big that he can’t handle it? You already know the answer is no, but I’m asking it in a different way. What problem seems so impossible that part of you doubts that God can take of it?

Text: Genesis 18:1-15
Sermon Series: Adventures with Abraham (Genesis 12-25)

Christ B.C. Part IV: Born of a Virgin
by Ray Pritchard

The Virgin Birth was never meant to stand alone. It is not a random truth plucked from thin air. God never says, “Pick and choose what you want to believe.” The story of Jesus is a seamless garment woven by the Holy Spirit. Take out his miraculous birth and you have ripped the whole garment to shreds.

Text: Isaiah 7:14, Matthew 1:23
Sermon Series: Christ BC

Darwin’s Delusion: Why I Believe in Creation
by Ray Pritchard

If we start with the biblical record, we find it fundamentally incompatible with evolutionary naturalism. Three words summarize where we come from–created, not evolved. We need to teach those three words to our children and make them a bulwark of our own personal faith.

Text: Genesis 1
Sermon Series: Why I Believe

A Message For Madalyn Murray O’Hair: Why I Believe in God
by Ray Pritchard

After all the arguments on both sides are finished, you still have to decide for yourself. You still have to choose. I believe in God because without him nothing in this universe makes sense. God exists—he is real and Jesus Christ is His Son. What choice have you made?

Text: Various
Sermon Series: Why I Believe

Remarried and Happy at Last!
by Ray Pritchard

In your marriage and in your Christian life, it’s not law but love that matters: The law says, “You must.” Love says, “I want to.” Before you come to Christ, you are on a continual performance standard, trying to do more in order to win God’s approval. But through Christ you discover that God loves you in spite of your failure.

Text: Romans 7:1-6
Sermon Series: New Life In Christ (Romans 5-8)

Taking God Seriously
by Ray Pritchard

Every Commandment has its problems. Some are difficult to understand, others are difficult to interpret, and some are difficult to […]

Text: Exodus 20:7
Sermon Series: The Ten Commandments for Today (Exodus 20)

The Oldest Dad in the Nursery
by Ray Pritchard

Let’s start off with a bit of historic trivia. Who is oldest mother in history? I’m going to give you […]

Text: Romans 4:18-25
Sermon Series: God's Good News (Romans 1-4)

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