
Nothing Shall Offend Them: A Message for Unhappy, Irritated, and Bent-Out-of-Shape Christians
by Ray Pritchard

For our final message in this short series from Psalm 119, I want to look at a verse I first […]

Text: Psalm 119:165
Sermon Series: Living by The Book (Psalm 119)

Love Never Gives Up
by Ray Pritchard

Love believes the best as long as it can be believed.

Text: I Corinthians 13:7
Sermon Series: Love (I Corinthians 13)

The End of the Beginning
by Ray Pritchard

The year was 1943. Slowly the Allied forces were squeezing the Germans out of North Africa. From the east Field […]

Text: I Samuel 31 - II Samuel 1
Sermon Series: Journey to the Throne: Meeting God in the Turning Points of Life (I Samuel 16 - II Samuel 1)

Ziklag Is Burning!
by Ray Pritchard

Once upon a time the devil decided to have a garage sale. He did it because he wanted to clear […]

Text: I Samuel 27-30
Sermon Series: Journey to the Throne: Meeting God in the Turning Points of Life (I Samuel 16 - II Samuel 1)

The Strange Case of the Missing Spear
by Ray Pritchard

First Samuel 26 tells the story of how David spared Saul’s life. If you have a good memory, you may […]

Text: I Samuel 26
Sermon Series: Journey to the Throne: Meeting God in the Turning Points of Life (I Samuel 16 - II Samuel 1)

How To Kill A Giant
by Ray Pritchard

As the mist cleared from the valley, the men on both sides knew the time had come. Before this day […]

Text: I Samuel 17
Sermon Series: Journey to the Throne: Meeting God in the Turning Points of Life (I Samuel 16 - II Samuel 1)

Acorns to Oak Trees: How Are the Dead Raised?
by Ray Pritchard

No question is more fundamental to the human race than this: What happens when we die? Since death comes to […]

Text: 1 Corinthians 15:35-58
Sermon Series: Final Questions: A Biblical View of Life After Death

When Did Christmas Begin?
by Ray Pritchard

Have you ever wondered when Christmas began? I’m not referring to the celebration of Jesus’ birth on December 25 because […]

Text: John 1:14
Sermon Series: Christmas Messages

Repent! The Forgotten Doctrine of Salvation
by Ray Pritchard

The Gospel invitation begins with repentance. The first step in becoming a Christian is changing your mind about Jesus Christ.

Text: Acts 17:30
Sermon Series: From Athens to Oak Park (Acts 17)

The Scripture Had to Be Fulfilled: Can We Still Believe the Bible?
by Ray Pritchard

It is sometimes asked why the early church grew so explosively. We know, for instance, that after Jesus ascended into […]

Text: Acts 1:15, 20
Sermon Series: The Adventure Begins (Acts 1)

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