
Four Cracked Pots
by Ray Pritchard

God honors faith, and he seeks it so much that he will honor people who otherwise do some very stupid things. He uses flawed people to accomplish his will so that when the victory comes, he alone gets the glory.

Text: Hebrews 11:32
Sermon Series: Outrageous Faith

Why God Makes It Hard When It Ought to be Easy
by Ray Pritchard

2 Samuel 2-3 tell the story of David’s long struggle to become king over all Israel. His life is a pattern of how God deals with his children. It is God’s plan to vindicate us slowly, bless us openly, surprise us occasionally, and test us continually. God intends to develop our character, and to do that adversity is essential.

Text: 2 Samuel 2-3
Sermon Series: Standalone Messages

The Incredible Journey
by Ray Pritchard

Our focus in this message is on the man we often call “Father Abraham.” Hebrews 11:8-10 tells how he obeyed God’s call at great personal sacrifice. It tells us what he did; more importantly, it tells us why he did it. And it clearly shows us that obeying God doesn’t always work out the way we think it will.

Text: Hebrews 11:8-10
Sermon Series: Outrageous Faith

Come Before Winter
by Ray Pritchard

Procrastination destroys many good intentions. Some things must be done “before winter” or they will not be done at all. There are doors of opportunity that open before us today, but if we do not take advantage of them, tomorrow they will be forever shut.

Text: 2 Timothy 4:21
Sermon Series: Passing the Torch (II Timothy)

His Kingdom Will Never End
by Ray Pritchard

Jesus is building a kingdom that will last forever. Why would you follow anyone else?

Text: Luke 1:33
Sermon Series: Christmas Messages

Breaking Points
by Ray Pritchard

Everyone has a story to tell, even the people who seem to smile all the time. This is one of […]

Text: Isaiah 40:28-31
Sermon Series: Standalone Messages

by Ray Pritchard

There are two dangers we face whenever we come to the Lord’s table. The first danger is that we will […]

Text: I Corinthians 11:27

Repent! The Forgotten Doctrine of Salvation
by Ray Pritchard

The Gospel invitation begins with repentance. The first step in becoming a Christian is changing your mind about Jesus Christ.

Text: Acts 17:30
Sermon Series: Standalone Messages

God’s Altar Call
by Ray Pritchard

The only reasonable thing to do is to offer your body to God.

Text: Romans 12:1
Sermon Series: The Transformed Life (Romans 12-16)

Forward-Leaning Defense
by Ray Pritchard

<font=comic sans ms>“There is no victory at bargain basement prices.” General Dwight Eisenhower</font size> “World War IV began in a […]

Sermon Series: Asymmetric Spiritual Warfare

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