
A Blind Man Meets a Healer
by Brian Bill

As a blind beggar named Bart sits alongside the road, he hears something that makes his heart start racing. Tired of his predicament in life, he persistently shouts out to Jesus for some help. Jesus responds to his plea and provides sight to the one who was blind. Are you having a hard time seeing what really matters? Do you feel blind to what counts? If so, plead for mercy like Bart did. Your eyes will be opened to things you have never seen before!

Text: Luke 18:35-43
Sermon Series: Walking to the Cross

Coping With Change
by Brian Bill

While everything is moving faster and getting more complicated, there are three things that will never change: 1) God’s love; 2) God’s word; and 3) God’s purposes. Change is inevitable in our lives but when we’re anchored to the God who does not change, we can manage whatever comes our way.

Text: Mal. 3:6; Mt. 5:24
Sermon Series: Managing the New Millennium

Courage: How to Face Down Your Fears
by Ray Pritchard

What is courage? It is facing and dealing with dangerous and difficult situations of life. I don’t want you to add courage. You already have courage. God put it in you the moment you came to Christ. Use the courage that God has given you. You already have victory in Jesus Christ. Now live in that victory. You already have power. Use the power that God has given you.

Text: Proverbs 28:1
Sermon Series: Street Smarts

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