Are you familiar with Murphy’s Law? The original “Murphy” was an engineer who conducted an experiment to test human acceleration […]
Text: Nehemiah 4As many of you know, I really like Snicker bars. For the past year, whenever I would go to Dairy […]
Text: Nehemiah 13You made a good decision this morning to come to church because I have some inside information about the recent […]
Text: Nehemiah 11-12I heard about this man who bought a parrot. It was a beautiful parrot but he had a really bad […]
Text: Nehemiah 10Earlier this week I was sitting in my office when I received an email from my youngest sister. She and […]
Text: Nehemiah 9I received an email this week from one of our missionaries serving in the Philippines. She’s been there for about […]
Text: Nehemiah 7-8Do you have any unfinished projects lying around collecting dust? It’s so easy to get sidetracked isn’t it? It takes […]
Sermon Series: A Time To BuildAs we continue in our series through the Book of Nehemiah, we’ve learned that Nehemiah confronted a different challenge in […]
Text: Nehemiah 5Have you been watching the Olympics? NBC isn’t very happy with their ratings but it’s been fun to watch the […]
Text: Nehemiah 3I came across some lines from actual resumes this week: I have lurnt Word Perfect 6.0 computor and spreasheet progroms. […]
Text: Nehemiah 2