
At the Name of Jesus
by Brian Bill

Have you ever stopped to think about what’s in a name?  I have three first names – Brian, John, and […]

Text: Luke 24:1-12
Sermon Series: Walking to the Cross

A Big Crowd Meets a King
by Brian Bill

As Jesus walks to Jerusalem and prepares for His final week on earth, a large crowd that breaks out into praise greets him. Knowing that most of them do not understand who He really is, Jesus longs for them to know who He really is. While its easy for a crowd to get excited, Jesus is more interested in individuals who will surrender their lives to Him – He demonstrates His concern for people by weeping over the city. Are you ready to meet your King?

Text: Luke 19:28-44
Sermon Series: Walking to the Cross

A Little Man Meets a Big God
by Brian Bill

We’ve all seen “before and after” pictures of someone who has had a makeover. As Jesus walks closer to the cross, he comes across a little guy named Zacchaeus who is perched in a tree. In this account, Zack encounters Jesus in a way that radically transforms his life – his “before” picture is nothing at all like the new and improved one! Are you looking for change in your life? Do you want your life to be different than it is right now? Walk with Jesus to the cross and you will have the best makeover ever.

Text: Luke 19:1-10
Sermon Series: Walking to the Cross

A Blind Man Meets a Healer
by Brian Bill

As a blind beggar named Bart sits alongside the road, he hears something that makes his heart start racing. Tired of his predicament in life, he persistently shouts out to Jesus for some help. Jesus responds to his plea and provides sight to the one who was blind. Are you having a hard time seeing what really matters? Do you feel blind to what counts? If so, plead for mercy like Bart did. Your eyes will be opened to things you have never seen before!

Text: Luke 18:35-43
Sermon Series: Walking to the Cross