Our world teaches that people can be whoever they identify themselves to be. The Word of God teaches you are who God says you are.
Text: Genesis 1:26-31Sometimes we forget how the words of Christmas carols sound to kids. Here are some examples. We three kings of […]
Text: Isaiah 7:14If you are truly saved, your salvation is totally secure!
Text: Romans 8:31-39Over the past couple years, I’ve gotten to know a guy I see when I’m out in the community working […]
Text: Romans 8:26-30Hard times and spiritual growth go together.
It was true for Moses.
It is true for us as well.
Are children a burden or a blessing? I suppose it depends on who you ask or what you mean or […]
Sermon Series: Moses: The Making of a ChampionToday we begin a brand-new series called “The Making of a Champion.” It’s all about the early years of a […]
Sermon Series: Moses: The Making of a ChampionGive God glory by telling the story of God’s grace in your life.
Text: Acts 22:1-29God accomplishes His purposes through persecution.
Text: Acts 21:27-40Since everyone is made in the image of God, everyone is important to God
Text: Genesis 1:1, 26-27