
When the Infinite Became an Infant
by Brian Bill

When I spoke at Second Winders earlier this month, I started with a couple Christmas quizzes.  You would think because […]

Text: John 1:1-14
Sermon Series: The Promise

Love Fulfilled
by Brian Bill

Sometimes we forget how the words of Christmas carols sound to kids.  Here are some examples. We three kings of […]

Text: Isaiah 7:14
Sermon Series: The Promise

Joy Shared
by Brian Bill

Many years ago, when our youngest daughter was in junior high, I was one of the chaperones for her and […]

Text: Isaiah 35:10
Sermon Series: The Promise

Peace Proclaimed
by Brian Bill

Several years ago, the BBC ran a story with this headline: “Priests Brawl in Bethlehem’s Church of the Nativity.”  Fights […]

Text: Isaiah 9:6-7
Sermon Series: The Promise

Hope Experienced
by Brian Bill

We’re beginning a new series this weekend called, “The Promise.”  Christmas can be summarized with four words: Promises made.  Promises […]

Text: Isaiah 9:1-2
Sermon Series: The Promise