Posted by Ray Pritchard on 8.13.13 in Devotional, Theology
Being sorry isn’t enough.
Posted by Ray Pritchard on 8.8.13 in Theology
If there is some other way to heaven, why did Christ die on the cross?
Posted by Ray Pritchard on 7.25.13 in Devotional, Theology, Word of Life
Good theology solves a lot of problems.
Posted by Ray Pritchard on 7.4.13 in Devotional, Theology
If any man ever had a right to be bitter, it was Joseph.
Posted by Ray Pritchard on 6.28.13 in Devotional, Theology
There is a way to overcome the reign of death.
Posted by Ray Pritchard on 5.24.13 in Devotional, Theology
“Great is your faithfulness” (Lamentations 3:23b). This is the text that led Thomas Obadiah Chisholm to write the poem that became a beloved hymn sung on every continent. Here’s a simple way to bring its truth into focus …Great is our fickleness … Great is thy faithfulness.We may grow weary … but our God canno…
Posted by Ray Pritchard on 5.22.13 in Devotional, Theology
Many Christians secretly doubt their salvation because they do not feel like they are good enough Christians to get into heaven. But going to heaven has nothing to do with being “good enough” since none of us ever qualifies. In John 10:28 Jesus said of his followers, “I give them eternal life.” And in 1 John 5:13 we are…
Posted by Ray Pritchard on 4.21.13 in Good Friday-Easter, Theology, Tupelo
One little boy couldn’t wait for the end of the story.
Posted by Ray Pritchard on 9.27.12 in Evangelism, Theology
A friend wrote me saying that he had been asked to give a course on evangelism and wanted any ideas I might have. Here is what I wrote back to him:Focus on the gospel, not on technique. Too many evangelism courses focus on saying specific sentences and on how to “close the deal.” I think that matters but it’s not the main thing. M…
Posted by Ray Pritchard on 9.14.12 in Evangelism, Theology
A few months ago I wrote to a friend not long before her father died. Over the years she had shared her faith with him, but she had no assurance that he knew the Lord. Her dilemma raised an important question. What should we say when a loved one dies and we are not sure about their ultimate destination? Here is an edited version of what I wrot…
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