
Knowing How to Pray
by Brian Bill

I want to give you a Bible quiz.  I’ll give you a hint – all the questions have to do […]

Text: Nehemiah 1
Sermon Series: A Time To Build

How to Pray with Humility
by Brian Bill

In one of the most compelling prayers in all of Scripture, Daniel prays with full humility and in deep repentance. As we grow in our ability to pray we will see from this prophet’s prayer that humility is an essential ingredient of intercession.

Text: Daniel 9:1-19
Sermon Series: Prayer Passages

How to Pray For a Nation
by Brian Bill

On this Fourth of July weekend, our thoughts are drawn to the birth of our nation. As we look at how things are going around us, we long for God to intervene and answer our prayers for our country. Using Solomon’s prayer as a model, we will learn some practical guidelines that will help us pray for our community, our county, our country, and for the continents.

Text: 2 Chronicles 6:14-7:14
Sermon Series: Prayer Passages

How to Pray the Lord’s Way
by Brian Bill

Did you know that the only time Jesus was asked to teach on a specific subject was when His disciples asked for some help in prayer? Followers of Christ ever since have wanted to pray like Jesus did. In this message, we will look at both the model and the proper attitude of prayer.

Text: Luke 11:1-13
Sermon Series: Prayer Passages

A Big Crowd Meets a King
by Brian Bill

As Jesus walks to Jerusalem and prepares for His final week on earth, a large crowd that breaks out into praise greets him. Knowing that most of them do not understand who He really is, Jesus longs for them to know who He really is. While its easy for a crowd to get excited, Jesus is more interested in individuals who will surrender their lives to Him – He demonstrates His concern for people by weeping over the city. Are you ready to meet your King?

Text: Luke 19:28-44
Sermon Series: Walking to the Cross

A Little Man Meets a Big God
by Brian Bill

We’ve all seen “before and after” pictures of someone who has had a makeover. As Jesus walks closer to the cross, he comes across a little guy named Zacchaeus who is perched in a tree. In this account, Zack encounters Jesus in a way that radically transforms his life – his “before” picture is nothing at all like the new and improved one! Are you looking for change in your life? Do you want your life to be different than it is right now? Walk with Jesus to the cross and you will have the best makeover ever.

Text: Luke 19:1-10
Sermon Series: Walking to the Cross

Living With Hope
by Brian Bill

The attitude of hope can go a long way in helping us face the future. But, hope is not just a feeling of optimism. It’s much deeper than that. Hope happens when we realize that God is in control of everything. As we approach the Christmas season, we are reminded that the gift of Jesus is the best hope of all.

Text: Romans 5:4
Sermon Series: Managing the New Millennium

Coping With Change
by Brian Bill

While everything is moving faster and getting more complicated, there are three things that will never change: 1) God’s love; 2) God’s word; and 3) God’s purposes. Change is inevitable in our lives but when we’re anchored to the God who does not change, we can manage whatever comes our way.

Text: Mal. 3:6; Mt. 5:24
Sermon Series: Managing the New Millennium

Dealing With the Future
by Brian Bill

When faced with the future, some of us spend a lot of time worrying about what might happen. Because only God knows what will happen in the future, we need to put our trust in what will last for the long haul. While this is not easy to do, the Bible offers us some warnings and some exhortations to help us face the future with confidence.

Text: James 4:13-17
Sermon Series: Managing the New Millennium

The Scandal of Grace
by Brian Bill

Most of us are accustomed to getting what we work for, of receiving what is due to us. In this parable, Jesus challenges us with the scandal of grace – He gives freely to people no matter how hard they work for it. While we love the benefits of grace, it’s often difficult for us when that same grace is bestowed on others.

Text: Matthew 20:1-16
Sermon Series: Grace Encounters

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