
Following Jesus by Obeying Him
by Brian Bill

A disciple is one who follows Jesus no matter what.

Text: Luke 9:23c

Daily Embrace the Lord’s Will
by Brian Bill

Last Sunday night, over 60 people from all generations gathered for a two-hour time of prayer in the Worship Center […]

Sermon Series: Discipleship Matters

Deny Your Dark Side
by Brian Bill

A disciple must deny self before following the Savior.

Text: Luke 9:23a
Sermon Series: Discipleship Matters

Love Jesus Above All
by Brian Bill

A disciple loves Jesus more than anyone or anything else.

Text: Matthew 10:34-39

God Always Gets the Glory
by Brian Bill

Make the glory of God the story of your life.

Text: Acts 12:20-25
Sermon Series: On Mission

Dealing with Prejudice
by Brian Bill

Be prepared to speak to those God has prepared.

Text: Acts 10:1-33
Sermon Series: On Mission

What to Look for in a Mate
by Brian Bill

If you’re going to get married, marry the strongest Christian you can find and be the strongest Christian you can be for your spouse.

Text: 2 Corinthians 6:14-7:1
Sermon Series: Family Matters

Finding Security and Significance
by Brian Bill

Since we are selfish, we must learn how to serve our spouse.

Text: Ephesians 5:21-33
Sermon Series: Family Matters

Marriage as it’s Meant to Be
by Brian Bill

Because marriage matters to God, we must do marriage His way.

Text: Genesis 2:18-25
Sermon Series: Family Matters

Mothers Who Mentor
by Brian Bill

A mom can be a spiritual mentor to her children with or without the help of a dad.

Text: 2 Timothy 1:1-5
Sermon Series: Family Matters

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