
Living the New Life
by Brian Bill

A man went to see his doctor in a state of high anxiety. “Doctor,” he said, “you have to help […]

Text: Ephesians 4:25-32
Sermon Series: Back to the Basics

Preparing for Difficult Days
by Brian Bill

No matter how bad things become, our great God is in control.

Text: 2 Timothy 3:1-9
Sermon Series: Standing Firm

When the Infinite Became an Infant
by Brian Bill

When I spoke at Second Winders earlier this month, I started with a couple Christmas quizzes.  You would think because […]

Text: John 1:1-14
Sermon Series: The Promise

Love Fulfilled
by Brian Bill

Sometimes we forget how the words of Christmas carols sound to kids.  Here are some examples. We three kings of […]

Text: Isaiah 7:14
Sermon Series: The Promise

Created on Purpose
by Brian Bill

God created us on purpose for His purposes.

Text: Genesis 1:28-31
Sermon Series: Back to the Beginning

Gender Matters
by Brian Bill

In God’s good design, He created everyone as male or female.

Text: Genesis 1:27

Image is Everything
by Brian Bill

Because we are image-bearers of God, our purpose is to reflect, reveal, and represent Him.  

Text: Genesis 1:26

Light in the Darkness
by Brian Bill

When God says it, that settles it.  

Text: Genesis 1:2-5
Sermon Series: Back to the Beginning

5 Marks of a Hard Heart
by Ray Pritchard

So how is your heart today? Did you know there is such a thing as spiritual heart disease? Do you […]

Text: Exodus 5-12
Sermon Series: Moses: The Making of a Champion

Excuses, Excuses!
by Ray Pritchard

When God calls, don’t make excuses!

Text: Exodus 3:11-4:17
Sermon Series: Moses: The Making of a Champion
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