
Come Before Winter
by Ray Pritchard

Procrastination destroys many good intentions. Some things must be done “before winter” or they will not be done at all. There are doors of opportunity that open before us today, but if we do not take advantage of them, tomorrow they will be forever shut.

Text: 2 Timothy 4:21
Sermon Series: Passing the Torch (II Timothy)

Why God Chooses Splendid Sinners and Lovable Losers
by Ray Pritchard

When God chooses people for his family, he picks those the world considers losers. This means that imperfect people make excellent candidates for the grace of God. Since we are all imperfect, when we boast, let us boast only in the Lord.

Text: 1 Corinthians 1:26-31

What You Seek, You Find
by Ray Pritchard

God uses the hard experiences of life to bring us to the place where our trust will be in him alone. Through those hard times, we learn to seek him and to rejoice even when life doesn’t make sense.

Text: Jeremiah 29:12-14
Sermon Series: Survivor Babylon: How to Make the Best of a Bad Situation

How to Be a Leader People Want to Follow
by Ray Pritchard

To be credible means that you are believable. To be authentic means that you are genuine and real, not a fake or phony. Put the words together and a credible, authentic leader is someone who can be trusted because he is what he professes to be. He is the real deal, what you see is what you get.


Men As Trees Walking
by Ray Pritchard

“And they came to Bethsaida. And some people brought to him a blind man and begged him to touch him. […]

Text: Mark 8:22-26
Sermon Series: Standalone Messages

I’m Coming To Rome Someday, I Hope: Seven Reflections on Knowing the Will of God
by Ray Pritchard

Romans 15:22-29 offers a fascinating glimpse into the mind of the Apostle Paul. Essentially it is Paul’s answer to the […]

Text: Romans 15:22-29
Sermon Series: The Transformed Life (Romans 12-16)

Breaking Points
by Ray Pritchard

Everyone has a story to tell, even the people who seem to smile all the time. This is one of […]

Text: Isaiah 40:28-31
Sermon Series: Standalone Messages

How to Kill a New Christian – Part 2
by Ray Pritchard

Christians have always disagreed – a lot! And it’s not a bad thing. But there is always a danger that our own personal preferences will grow so important that we no longer accept our brothers and sisters in the Lord who disagree with us. The great unifying factor for the people of God is the Lord Jesus Christ. He has broken down the wall that separated us from God and from one another. In Him we are joined together in the body of Christ. If we truly believe in Him, we can let Him deal with those who disagree with us. In the meantime, don’t forget to treat those who disagree as brothers and sisters in the Lord.

Text: Romans 14:1-12
Sermon Series: The Transformed Life (Romans 12-16)

God’s Medicine for a Sick World
by Ray Pritchard

Love is the medicine for a sick and fallen world. We need to see love and feel love and experience it in our lives. And we need to know how to pass it along to others. This is the fulfillment of all that God asks of us.

Text: Romans 13:8-10
Sermon Series: The Transformed Life (Romans 12-16)

The First Christmas Miracle
by Ray Pritchard

“If I had not come” (John 15:22). “But when the time had fully come, God sent his Son, born of […]

Text: John 15:22; Galatians 4:4
Sermon Series: Christmas Messages

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