
Proving God’s Faithfulness
by Brian Bill

Blessings come to those who tithe and amazingly, Malachi 3:11 states that God will keep certain bad things from happening when we give Him our first fruits. When we give, we put ourselves in a position to trust God to meet all my needs. In addition, God declares in verse 12 that His plan for global evangelization will be met. Can you imagine what would happen to the cause of missions if every believer would give at least 10% to kingdom purposes?

Text: Malachi 3:6-12
Sermon Series: Step It Up

Beyond Your Dreams
by Ray Pritchard

Pray boldly for spiritual strength, teaches Paul. God is faithful and we can trust Him. He is more than able to do even more than we ask.. Through prayer, we are filled with the Holy Spirit and grow spiritually, understanding the height, breadth, length and depth of Christ’s love for us.

Text: Ephesians 3:14-21
Sermon Series: Praying with Paul

Helping Through Prayer
by Ray Pritchard

Prayer helped Paul when he was depressed and discouraged, giving him hope and encouragement through trust in God. Praying for others and the prayers of others for us glorify God, partnering with Him to help those in need and heightening joy as our prayers are answered.

Text: II Corinthians 1:8-11
Sermon Series: Praying with Paul

Overcoming Materialism
by Ray Pritchard

What you keep for yourself, you eventually lose. What you give away, you gain eternally.

Text: I Timothy 6:17-19
Sermon Series: The Overcoming Series

From Adam to Noah: Lessons from a Genealogy
by Ray Pritchard

I begin this sermon with a confession. In my quarter-century as a pastor, I believe this is the first sermon […]

Text: Genesis 5
Sermon Series: First Things: The Amazing True Story of How the World Came to Be (Genesis 1-11)

The Seventh Law: What God Starts, He Finishes
by Ray Pritchard

We begin with the words of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, the German pastor whose opposition to Adolph Hitler during World War II […]

Sermon Series: Seven Laws of the Spiritual Life

The Second Law: God Doesn’t Need Us But We Desperately Need Him
by Ray Pritchard

Last Sunday we started a new sermon series called The Seven Laws of the Spiritual Life. In this series we […]

Sermon Series: Seven Laws of the Spiritual Life

“Before I Was Afflicted I Went Astray”: Why Your Troubles are a Gift from God
by Ray Pritchard

Sometimes we face things for which there is no earthly explanation. In those moments we need to erect a sign that reads, “Quiet: God at Work.” Don’t miss what God wants to teach you through your troubles.

Text: Psalm 119:67, 71, 75
Sermon Series: Living by The Book (Psalm 119)

Giving With Grace
by Brian Bill

Christian giving is not about legalism, but about grace. Love asks, “How much can I give?” Legalism asks, “How little can I give?” We don’t give because we have to, but because we want to. Authentic and joyful giving is an unmistakable sign that we’ve been changed by God’s grace. Our giving should be thoughtful, enthusiastic, voluntary and cheerful.

Text: 2 Corinthians 9:6-15
Sermon Series: Building for the Future

Flourishing in Faithfulness
by Brian Bill

Since God is forever faithful to us, He desires for us to be faithful to Him and to others. A faithful person walks in the truth no matter what happens to him.

Text: 3 John 1:1-5
Sermon Series: Developing Your Character

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