
Overcoming Fear of the Future
by Ray Pritchard

No one can say with certainty what the New Year will bring. None of us knows if we will even be here 12 months from now. But that thought should not alarm us in any way. To all our fears the Lord says quite simply: “Fear not.”

Text: Esther 4:12-16
Sermon Series: The Overcoming Series

Overcoming Loneliness
by Ray Pritchard

In this Christmas sermon Pastor Ray focuses on the phrase “God with us.” There are three words in that phrase and each one teaches us something about who Jesus really is.

Text: Isaiah 7:14 & Matthew 1:22-23
Sermon Series: The Overcoming Series

Overcoming Lingering Bitterness
by Ray Pritchard

In God’s plan, even our enemies serve a good purpose.

Text: Genesis 45
Sermon Series: The Overcoming Series

Overcoming Discontentment
by Ray Pritchard

Let God define your life, not earthly circumstances.

Text: I Corinthians 7:17-35
Sermon Series: The Overcoming Series

Overcoming Materialism
by Ray Pritchard

What you keep for yourself, you eventually lose. What you give away, you gain eternally.

Text: I Timothy 6:17-19
Sermon Series: The Overcoming Series

Overcoming Boredom
by Ray Pritchard

There is no one unhappier than a 20% Christian.

Text: Ecclesiastes 9:10; Colossians 3:17
Sermon Series: The Overcoming Series

Overcoming Disappointment
by Ray Pritchard

The smallest act of obedience is better than the greatest intention.

Text: Ezra 3
Sermon Series: The Overcoming Series

Overcoming a Judgmental Spirit
by Ray Pritchard

Truly humble people are free from the burden of having to play God for other people.

Text: Romans 14:1-12
Sermon Series: The Overcoming Series

Overcoming Self-Importance
by Ray Pritchard

God’s favor can’t be purchased because it’s not for sale. Your money is useless when it comes to the things that matter most.

Text: II Kings 5
Sermon Series: The Overcoming Series

Overcoming Insecurity
by Ray Pritchard

I am actually writing these words a few days after I preached this sermon on Sunday morning. The current headlines […]

Text: Matthew 10:29-31
Sermon Series: The Overcoming Series