
Keeping a Clean Conscience
by Brian Bill

One of the best ways to keep a clean conscience is by practicing the art of forgiveness, even when we can’t forget what’s been done to us. Asking for forgiveness and granting grace to others are keys to listening to God’s monitor system.

Text: Genesis 45:1-15; 50:15-21
Sermon Series: Characteristics of the Conscience

Renewing Your Conscience
by Brian Bill

A clear conscience doesn’t just happen; its something we need to strive for. The good news is that God loves to give us a new beginning as we lean on reliable friends, as we respond to His leading and as we ask Him to give us clean hearts.

Text: Psalm 51; Hebrews 10:19-22
Sermon Series: Characteristics of the Conscience

Understanding Your Conscience
by Brian Bill

The conscience is the soul’s automatic warning system. We will discover more about its purpose as we focus on its four roles: a witness, a prosecutor, a defender, and a judge.

Text: 1 Samuel 24:1-15
Sermon Series: Characteristics of the Conscience