
The Hero Rises
by Ray Pritchard

Joseph proves you can come from a crazy, mixed-up family and do amazing things for the Lord.

Text: Genesis 37:1-2
Sermon Series: Nine Crucial Questions (Life of Joseph)

Putting it into Practice
by Brian Bill

Parents and grandparents must pass along the faith they possess.  

Text: Deuteronomy 6:1-9
Sermon Series: Unshaken and Unashamed

Passing Along What You Have
by Brian Bill

Before passing on, pass it on by leaving a legacy of faithfulness.

Text: 2 Timothy 2:1-7
Sermon Series: Standing Firm

Inside the Pearly Gates: What Will We Do in Heaven?
by Ray Pritchard

No one will ever be sorry they ended up in heaven.

Text: Revelation 7:9-17
Sermon Series: Final Questions: A Biblical View of Life After Death

The Word on the Womb
by Brian Bill

Since everyone is made in the image of God, everyone is important to God

Text: Genesis 1:1, 26-27
Sermon Series: On Mission

Honor in the Home
by Brian Bill

There’s nothing more honorable than honoring your parents.

Text: Exodus 20:12
Sermon Series: Written in Stone

Carry Each Other’s Burdens
by Brian Bill

When we walk alongside those who are weary or wiped out, we’re acting like Jesus did. If we truly care for others, we’ll care enough to confront sin and carry burdens.

Text: Galatians 6:1-5
Sermon Series: One Another

Accept One Another
by Brian Bill

It’s not our job to change other people; instead, we’re called to accept those who are wired differently than we are.

Text: Romans 14:1-15:7
Sermon Series: One Another

Be United With One Another
by Brian Bill

Unity among His followers was so important to Jesus that He prayed you and I would be one. When the church is united, the world will stand up and take notice.

Text: John 17:11, 20-23
Sermon Series: One Another

Care For One Another
by Brian Bill

In order for the church to function as it was designed, each of us must be committed to care for one another.

Text: 1 Corinthians 12:14-26
Sermon Series: One Another
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