
The Undivided Heart
by Ray Pritchard

Until you admit you need God’s help, you will be stuck exactly where you are.

Text: Psalm 86:11
Sermon Series: Standalone Messages

Fall: God Judges
by Brian Bill

Portions of this sermon come from Ray Pritchard and are used with permission. During this time of the year, you […]

Text: Genesis 3:15
Sermon Series: Ancient Future Christmas

Thanksgiving 365
by Ray Pritchard

I am writing these words the day after Thanksgiving. Yesterday Marlene and I traveled to Oxford, Mississippi to spend time […]

Text: Proverbs 15:16-17
Sermon Series: Thanksgiving Sermons

Fear Not!
by Ray Pritchard

No one knows what a day may bring. Who knows if we will all make it through this week? But our God is faithful to keep every one of his promises.

Text: Genesis 15:1
Sermon Series: Keep Believing

If God is Sovereign, Why Pray?
by Ray Pritchard

We pray because everything depends on God and not on us.

Text: Matthew 6:8
Sermon Series: Keep Believing

The Mystery of Unanswered Prayer
by Ray Pritchard

The great question is not, “How can I get my prayers answered?” The great question is, “What will it take to draw me closer to God?”

Text: 2 Corinthians 12:7-9
Sermon Series: Keep Believing

Where Grace and Wrath Meet
by Ray Pritchard

God is fully satisfied with the work of his Son. Those who come to him find that their sins are forgiven forever.

Text: Romans 3:24-26
Sermon Series: The Deeper Meaning of the Cross

God’s Guarantee
by Ray Pritchard

The Holy Spirit is the “first installment” of our salvation. He is God’s “deposit” in our lives, guaranteeing that God will one day finish what he has started.

Text: 2 Corinthians 5:5
Sermon Series: Never Give Up! (2 Corinthians)

The Church Christ Prefers
by Ray Pritchard

Jesus wants his churches to be motivated by love, founded on the truth, strong under pressure, and unashamed of his name.

Text: Revelation 3:7-13
Sermon Series: Email from Jesus (Revelation 2-3)

Press On!
by Ray Pritchard

In the spiritual life, direction makes all the difference. True believers aren’t in heaven yet, but they aim their steps in that direction.

Text: Philippians 3:12-14
Sermon Series: New Year’s Day Messages
1 3 4 5 6 7 25

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