Our world teaches that people can be whoever they identify themselves to be. The Word of God teaches you are who God says you are.
Text: Genesis 1:26-31Confession didn’t come all that easy for me when I was growing up. I think it was because I was […]
Text: Psalm 51What you believe about God’s Word will determine how you view the world around you. If your worldview does not come from God’s Word, it will come from the world.
Text: Romans 12:1-2Every follower of Christ must fight to finish well
Text: 2 Timothy 4:6-22Because we are image-bearers of God, our purpose is to reflect, reveal, and represent Him.
Text: Genesis 1:26Contentment is wanting what you already have.
Text: Exodus 20:17Honesty is the name of the game.
Text: Exodus 20:16Several weeks ago, Edgewood hosted a simulcast event from Voice of the Martyrs called, “Imprisoned for Christ,” featuring three men […]
Text: Romans 15:1-6Back before COVID, I heard about a pastor who was visiting a fourth-grade Sunday School class to talk about marriage. […]
Text: 1 Corinthians 7:6-9, 25-35Since we are selfish, we must learn how to serve our spouse.
Text: Ephesians 5:21-33