The question is not "Can you?” but "Will you?”
Text: Genesis 50:20When you pray for a loved one who seems hardened against the Lord, pray that the eyes of their heart might be opened so that the light of God can come flooding in. And if that seems hopeless, at least it puts the hopeless case at God’s doorstep, which is where it belongs.
Text: Ephesians 1:18Jesus is on the side of those who love little children.
Text: Matthew 18:1-6; 19:13-15Will we believe the Bible, all of it, every word of it, from first to last, and everything in between?
Text: 1 Thessalonians 2:13-16Be of good cheer! Do not fear your enemies and do not fear what they can do to you. Remember the story of Daniel and pray for the same kind of utterly predictable faith.
Text: Daniel 6We pray because everything depends on God and not on us.
Text: Matthew 6:8There are many things we don’t know. But this we do know: God is at work, and he has not forgotten us.
Text: Romans 8:28The Sardis spirit overtakes us whenever we begin to take God’s gifts for granted. How quickly we can become the Church of the Living Dead and not even know it.
Text: Revelation 3:1-6You can have the cheap thrills of the world and feel sick to your stomach the next morning. Or you can have Jesus now, a new life now, forgiveness now, real pleasure now, and you will one day rise to shine like the Morning Star.
Text: Revelation 2:18-29To those who stand strong in the midst of trials, the best is yet to come. We will receive the “crown of life” and reign with Jesus forever. The “second death” in hell cannot touch us at all.
Text: Revelation 2:8-11