
Getting Ready for the Second Coming
by Brian Bill

We’re not to get caught up in date setting but instead are to be ready at all times to meet the Lord because He will come like a thief in the night. In the meantime, we’re to cultivate faith, love, and hope.

Text: 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11
Sermon Series: Don't Be Left Behind

Doing God’s Will
by Brian Bill

It’s one thing to know God’s will; it’s another to do it. God wants us to be pure, to love others, and He longs to have our lives attract others to the life-changing message of the gospel.

Text: 1 Thessalonians 4:1-12
Sermon Series: Don't Be Left Behind

Keeping Your Faith Alive
by Brian Bill

In this introductory message, we’ll look at how this young church was started and we’ll focus on what the believers did to keep their walk with God fresh.

Text: 1 Thessalonians 1:1-3
Sermon Series: Don't Be Left Behind

Using What God Has Given
by Brian Bill

God gives each of special abilities and responsibilities and expects us to be faithful in using what we’ve been given. Instead of “hiding” our gifts we’re to invest them in kingdom service.

Text: Matthew 25:14-30
Sermon Series: Improving Your Serve

Understanding Your Shape
by Brian Bill

Since we’ve been saved so that we can serve, it’s important for us to understand how God has wired us. When we serve in ways that maximize who we are, and what we’ve been given, the church will be fortified and we’ll experience fruitfulness and fulfillment. This message will introduce the topic of spiritual gifts.

Text: Romans 12:1-8
Sermon Series: Improving Your Serve

Becoming A Servant
by Brian Bill

In contrast to our self-seeking ways, Jesus is the personification of servanthood. Just as He came to serve and not to be served, we’re called to do the same. Becoming a servant means that we swim against the cultural current and follow the model of the Master.

Text: Matthew 20:20-28; John 13:1-17
Sermon Series: Improving Your Serve

The Supreme Question of Life
by Brian Bill

Many scholars believe this passage was based on a hymn that was sung by the early church. We all need to answer the question: Is Christ prominent in my life, or is He preeminent? He doesn’t just want a place in our lives, He demands first place.

Text: Colossians 1:15-23
Sermon Series: The Supremacy of Christ

Taking Time to Give Thanks
by Brian Bill

When we think of God’s work in the lives of other believers, we should be moved to thankfulness for the faith, hope, and love that we see demonstrated in Christ followers.

Text: Colossians 1:1-8
Sermon Series: The Supremacy of Christ

Mastering Your Money
by Brian Bill

Jesus reminds us that we can only serve one master – money or the Almighty. If we don’t manage our money, it will manage us. Mammom is personified as a rival god because it fights for supremacy in our lives. Contrary to popular opinion, money is not just a neutral medium of exchange but a “power” with life of its own. As we focus on building for the future, we’ll disarm the dollar dragon by transferring ownership of everything we have to God.

Text: Matthew 6:19-24
Sermon Series: Building for the Future

Seizing Self-Control
by Brian Bill

When the fruit of self-control is not evident in our lives, we’re vulnerable to all kinds of relational ruptures. When the Spirit controls us, we will demonstrate restraint in our lives.

Text: Proverbs 25:28
Sermon Series: Developing Your Character

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