
Anatomy of a Backslider
by Ray Pritchard

Are there hidden areas of your life where you have harbored sin in your heart? Have you coddled sinful tendencies and made excuses for sinful habits when instead you should by the Spirit put to death the deeds of the flesh? If we are not ruthless with ourselves, we stand in danger of doing exactly what Abraham did.

Text: Genesis 20
Sermon Series: Adventures with Abraham (Genesis 12-25)

Beyond the Crystal Ball: Why I Believe in the Second Coming of Christ
by Ray Pritchard

The signs are everywhere. Time rushes toward its appointed climax. The first rays of dawn streak the eastern sky. The countdown has begun. In heaven, the sound of trumpets and a King prepares to leave his palace. On earth, his children pray with new excitement and new understanding of the words he taught them so long ago … “Thy Kingdom Come.”

Text: Luke 21:25-29
Sermon Series: Why I Believe

Christ B.C. Part III: A Prophet Like Moses
by Ray Pritchard

The evidence is clear and even overwhelming. Jesus is the Prophet like Moses promised in Deuteronomy 18. He is the ultimate fulfillment of a promise made 1500 years before his birth. What does this fulfillment signify for us today? Why should it matter to us that Jesus is the great Prophet sent by God?

Text: Deuteronomy 18:15-19
Sermon Series: Christ BC

Christ B.C. Part I: Seed of the Woman
by Ray Pritchard

This is the first promise given after the Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden. It is also the first gospel sermon ever preached on the face of the earth. Theologians call it the protoevangelium–or first gospel. These words spoken by God contain the first promise of redemption in the Bible. Everything else in the Bible flows from these words in Genesis 3:15. As the acorn contains the mighty oak, so these words contain the entire plan of salvation.

Text: Genesis 3:15
Sermon Series: Christ BC

Payday Someday: Why I Believe in Heaven and Hell
by Ray Pritchard

It is an ancient question. Job 14:14 asks, “If a man dies, will he live again?” At every funeral that question is asked in one way or another. Is there life after death? If so, what happens when we die? How can we be sure? And most importantly, how can we be ready when the moment comes? What about heaven? What about hell? Are these real places or are they merely symbols that point to the universal longing for immorality? Can we still believe in heaven and hell?

Text: Various
Sermon Series: Why I Believe

Postcards From the Edge: Why I Believe in Angels and Demons
by Ray Pritchard

Our only reliable source of information regarding the spirit world is the Bible. Outside of the Bible, we have no sure knowledge of angels or demons. That must be the touchstone of truth for the Christian. But that fact shouldn’t discourage you since the Bible has a great deal to say about angels and demons. In fact they are mentioned in 34 different books of the Bible in over 300 different places.

Text: Various
Sermon Series: Why I Believe

Ready to Give an Answer
by Ray Pritchard

Christianity is true. Therefore, we have nothing to lose and everything to gain by a careful examination of what we believe and why we believe it. We need hard-nosed, tough-minded, open-eyed faith.

Text: I Peter 3:15
Sermon Series: Why I Believe

When Christians Disagree
by Ray Pritchard

We Christians disagree a lot, sometimes about the craziest things. I don’t know if you know it or not, but […]

Text: Acts 15:36-41
Sermon Series: Light My Path -- Knowing God's Will

No Separation
by Ray Pritchard

All summer long we’ve been climbing. We’ve been talking about what it would finally be like when we reached the […]

Text: Romans 8:38-39
Sermon Series: New Life In Christ (Romans 5-8)

More Than Conquerors
by Ray Pritchard

If you’ve ever done any mountain climbing, you know that as you near the summit, you will often reach a […]

Text: Romans 8:31-37
Sermon Series: New Life In Christ (Romans 5-8)

New Search