Some of you have heard this story, but it bears repeating. About 16 years ago some researchers decided to find […]
Text: Romans 12:8Of all the issues that divide Christians, none is more hotly debated than the issue of baptism. For centuries godly […]
Sermon Series: Critical IssuesThe name Peter Drucker will be familiar to you if you are a student of business or economics. To put […]
Text: VariousArt Linkletter was right. Kids do say the darndest things. The other night this scene unfolded at our house. It […]
Text: Ephesians 6:4Perhaps the place to begin this morning is with the simple confession that I did not want to preach this […]
Text: VariousThis week I attended a fascinating seminar entitled “How to Handle Criticism, Conflict and Difficult People in the Church.” Somebody […]
Text: I Thessalonians 5:14The call came about 10:30 P.M.. Someone had died. Would I please call the family? Before I could pick up […]
Text: II Corinthians 1:3-7Tonight I sit and stare at the blank face of my computer. It’s dark outside and the boys are in […]
Text: Various