Down in Texas they say that football is a religion. But I ran across something the other day that made […]
Text: Acts 2:41-47A few miles north of Jerusalem the remains of an ancient city nestle between two mountains. To get there you […]
Text: Joshua 24; Hebrews 13It is a pleasure to salute our young people today. They are the future of this church. And it is […]
Text: Hebrews 11When the history of this turbulent decade is finally written, no doubt a large chapter will be reserved for the […]
Text: Luke 16:1-13The year was 1970, the tail end of the wild period of modern American history. Dr. E. Stanley Jones, the […]
Text: Matthew 5:13-16How’s your E.Q.? We’re going to find out in just a few moments. But first, just a word about my […]
Text: Hebrews 10:24-25Art Linkletter was right. Kids do say the darndest things. The other night this scene unfolded at our house. It […]
Text: Ephesians 6:4This week I attended a fascinating seminar entitled “How to Handle Criticism, Conflict and Difficult People in the Church.” Somebody […]
Text: I Thessalonians 5:14