God accomplishes his purposes for us even when we are clueless about the big picture.
Text: Genesis 37The real question is not, "Who is my neighbor?” but rather "Whose neighbor will I be to those I meet today?”
Text: Luke 10:25-37“I found my cross. Have you found yours?”
Text: Luke 23:26You don’t have to eat with the pigs forever. Your life can be changed if you are ready to get serious with the Lord.
Text: Luke 15:21Through your tears, lift up your eyes and look again to Bethlehem. That sleeping child will rise to battle and no one will stand against him.
Text: Matthew 2:13-23I am writing these words the day after Thanksgiving. Yesterday Marlene and I traveled to Oxford, Mississippi to spend time […]
Text: Proverbs 15:16-17When you focus on God, he takes responsibility for the details of your life.
Text: Genesis 24No one knows what a day may bring. Who knows if we will all make it through this week? But our God is faithful to keep every one of his promises.
Text: Genesis 15:1Coming to Christ is not difficult. The hardest part is reaching out with the hand of faith.
Text: Luke 8:42-48The great question is not, “How can I get my prayers answered?” The great question is, “What will it take to draw me closer to God?”
Text: 2 Corinthians 12:7-9