
Daily Bread Living
by Ray Pritchard

When you pray, “Give us this day our daily bread,” you confess that God is the sources of every blessing. Daily bread living means taking life one day at a time, being confident that God will take care of your needs day by day by day.

Text: Matthew 6:11
Sermon Series: And When You Pray: The Deeper Meaning of The Lord’s Prayer

Nothing More, Nothing Less, Nothing Else
by Ray Pritchard

Praying “Your will be done” is an act of God-ordained rebellion. This is not a prayer for the weak or the timid. This is a prayer for troublemakers and rabblerousers.

Text: Matthew 6:10
Sermon Series: And When You Pray: The Deeper Meaning of The Lord’s Prayer

Kingdoms in Conflict
by Ray Pritchard

“Your kingdom come” is not a passive prayer. If you ever decide to make the kingdom of God the first priority in your life, you may not become a missionary, but you will become fundamentally different from the world around you.

Text: Matthew 6:10
Sermon Series: And When You Pray: The Deeper Meaning of The Lord’s Prayer

Praying for the Sick: Part 1
by Ray Pritchard

If we pray at all, sooner or later we will spend time paying for the sick. Our prayers matter to him. Our prayers matter to the sick. When we pray for the sick, we are bringing God’s mercy into the hospital room and inviting the Great Physician to take up the case.

Text: James 5:14-15
Sermon Series: Praying for the Sick

Midnight Miracle
by Ray Pritchard

When Jesus is betrayed and arrested, Peter impulsively strikes with his sword to try to protect Him. Jesus rebukes Peter, heals Malchus’ ear and quietly submits, knowing that in the end, God’s will must be done. What should Peter have done? How does a follower of Christ react when all is lost?

Text: Luke 22:49-51
Sermon Series: Beyond Denial: Finding Ourselves in Peter’s Story

Shall We Kill Our Children Today?
by Ray Pritchard

The amazing faith of Moses’ parents shows us the high value that God puts on children, including those children that are born in less than ideal circumstances. Christians love children because God loves children. Ours is true pro-family religion.

Text: Hebrews 11:23
Sermon Series: Outrageous Faith

Strength for the Journey
by Ray Pritchard

In this message Pastor Ray reminds us everything we believe rests on the sovereignty of God. Salvation starts with God, not with us. Because he has chosen us, we can stand firm amid the trials of life. By standing firm we prove to ourselves and to the watching world what we truly believe.

Text: 2 Thessalonians 2:13-17
Sermon Series: Adventures in Prayer

Out of Egypt
by Ray Pritchard

Sometimes you’re reading along when suddenly a phrase pops out and you say, “Whoa! Where did that come from?” That […]

Sermon Series: Christmas Messages

In God’s Waiting Room: Lessons from the “Down Time” of Life
by Ray Pritchard

On one occasion, while he was eating with them, he gave them this command: ‘‘Do not leave Jerusalem, but wait […]

Sermon Series: Standalone Messages

Peace, Be Still! A Short Sermon from the Sea of Galilee
by Ray Pritchard

Lord, don’t you care – that my child is sick, my marriage is falling apart, I have no money, I feel so alone? All of us have moments when life tumbles in around us, when we feel utterly alone and forgotten by God. In those moments we have a choice to make.

Text: Mark 4:35-41
Sermon Series: Standalone Messages

New Search