
The Sin No One Will Admit
by Ray Pritchard

We begin the final message in this series with the text of the Tenth Commandment: “You shall not covet your […]

Text: Exodus 20:17
Sermon Series: The Ten Commandments for Today (Exodus 20)

Forever Children
by Ray Pritchard

We have two problems with this Commandment, and perhaps a third: 1. Many of us have negative memories associated with […]

Text: Exodus 20:12
Sermon Series: The Ten Commandments for Today (Exodus 20)

No Other Gods
by Ray Pritchard

We live in strange times, don’t we? A recent Gallup Poll revealed that 84% of Americans believe that the Ten […]

Text: Exodus 20:3
Sermon Series: The Ten Commandments for Today (Exodus 20)

Faith-Yes! The Law-No!
by Ray Pritchard

This is my 15th and next-to-last sermon on Romans 1-4. In just two weeks we’ll begin a new series on […]

Text: Romans 4:13-17
Sermon Series: God's Good News (Romans 1-4)

God Plays No Favorites
by Ray Pritchard

We all go to the heaven the same way–by the grace and mercy of God.

Text: Romans 3:27-31
Sermon Series: God's Good News (Romans 1-4)

The Only Way to Be Right With God
by Ray Pritchard

This morning we are considering the greatest question in the world—How can a man be right with God? It is […]

Text: Romans 3:21-26
Sermon Series: God's Good News (Romans 1-4)

Seize the Day!
by Ray Pritchard

The scene is a prep school somewhere in New England. On a beautiful fall morning the bright young men have […]

Text: Various
Sermon Series: State of the Church Sermons

The Man in the Mirror
by Ray Pritchard

Perhaps you missed it when you read the newspaper this week. It was just an odd bit of information tucked […]

Text: Romans 3:9-20
Sermon Series: God's Good News (Romans 1-4)

When God Gives Up
by Ray Pritchard

There are some messages that pastors would rather not preach. This sermon definitely falls into that category. It’s not that […]

Text: Romans 1:24-32
Sermon Series: God's Good News (Romans 1-4)

Nightmare on Main Street
by Ray Pritchard

There is a remarkable resemblance between the world described in Romans 1 and the world we live in at the […]

Text: Romans 1:21-23
Sermon Series: God's Good News (Romans 1-4)

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