
Straight Talk About Predestination
by Ray Pritchard

In the history of the Christian church, few doctrines have been so hotly debated as the doctrine of predestination. Since predestination is a biblical concept, we must face this doctrine squarely whether we like it or not. It’s in the Bible, therefore we must first seek to understand it and then to ask what difference it makes.

Text: Romans 9:19-29
Sermon Series: Understanding God's Plan (Romans 9-11)

God’s Freedom
by Ray Pritchard

Our basic problem is that we have allowed God to be everywhere but on his throne. No wonder we are unhappy and frustrated and unfulfilled. Let God be God and all will be well.

Text: Romans 9:6-18
Sermon Series: Understanding God's Plan (Romans 9-11)

God’s Word Has Not Failed
by Ray Pritchard

In the end we will discover that though we failed the Lord a thousand times, he never failed us, not even once.

Text: Romans 9:6-18
Sermon Series: Understanding God's Plan (Romans 9-11)

The Value of a Broken Heart
by Ray Pritchard

If hell is real, it ought to break our heart.

Text: Romans 9:1-5
Sermon Series: Understanding God's Plan (Romans 9-11)

Asymmetric Spiritual Warfare
by Ray Pritchard

Are you familiar with term asymmetric warfare? It’s a concept that has received lots of news coverage in the recent […]

Sermon Series: Asymmetric Spiritual Warfare

God’s Mountain Man
by Ray Pritchard

It’s time to pray, “Lord do things I’m not used to.”

Text: 1 Kings 17:1

What Happens to Those Who Never Heard About Jesus?
by Ray Pritchard

No question is more central to the missionary enterprise than the state of those without Christ. Are they really lost? Are those who never hear also lost? And that raises an important question. How can God send people to hell for not believing in Jesus, if they never even heard of him in the first place?

Text: Romans 2:12
Sermon Series: Crucial Questions

Will Everyone Eventually Be Saved?
by Ray Pritchard

If God didn’t move in mercy, we would all end up in hell.

Text: II Peter 3:9
Sermon Series: Crucial Questions

Love One Another Deeply
by Ray Pritchard

I have three things on my mind that I want to talk to you about. These are really three different […]

Text: 1 Peter 1:22-25
Sermon Series: Strangers in a Strange Land (1 Peter)

Living in the Fear of God
by Ray Pritchard

After a six-week break, we are returning to our study of I Peter. I want to begin by reminding you […]

Text: 1 Peter 1:17-21
Sermon Series: Strangers in a Strange Land (1 Peter)

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