
Putting Off the Old Life
by Brian Bill

Believers are to behave differently than unbelievers. 

Text: Ephesians 4:17-24
Sermon Series: Back to the Basics

Putting it into Practice
by Brian Bill

Parents and grandparents must pass along the faith they possess.  

Text: Deuteronomy 6:1-9
Sermon Series: Unshaken and Unashamed

Who Jesus Is
by Brian Bill

Make sure Jesus is preeminent in your life, not just prominent.

Text: John 14:1-6; Colossians 1:15-17
Sermon Series: Unshaken and Unashamed

Standing on the Word of God
by Brian Bill

To stand strong, make sure you are being discipled by fellow believers and by faithful Bible exposition.

Text: 2 Timothy 3:10-17
Sermon Series: Standing Firm

Discipleship is a Process
by Brian Bill

Caleb Greggsen pastors an English-speaking church in Central Asia.  Recently, he wrote an intriguing article called Friendship: The Foundation of […]

Sermon Series: On Mission

Turning the World Upside Down
by Brian Bill

In partnership with George Barna, Arizona Christian University just released its annual American Worldview Inventory.  The results were disappointing, discouraging, […]

Text: Acts 17:1-15
Sermon Series: On Mission

Turning the World Upside Down
by Brian Bill

In partnership with George Barna, Arizona Christian University released its annual American Worldview Inventory.  The results were disappointing, discouraging, and […]

Text: Acts 17:1-15
Sermon Series: On Mission

One Message, Three Methods
by Brian Bill

On Tuesday of this week, I put a post on the church Facebook page: “Knowing that it is God who […]

Text: Acts 16:11-34
Sermon Series: On Mission

Discipleship Defined
by Brian Bill

A disciple is a believer who lovingly follows Jesus and intentionally helps others follow Him.

Text: Matthew 28:18-20
Sermon Series: Discipleship Matters

The Grace Awakening
by Brian Bill

No one is too sinful to be saved.

Text: Acts 9:1-19
Sermon Series: On Mission

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